Master Of Public Health

The substantial tuition subsidy from the Government of Singapore comes in the form of a MOE Subsidy administered by the Ministry of Education (MOE) and is offered to all eligible students. Students need not apply for the MOE Subsidy if they are eligible. For more information on the MOE subsidy, please refer here.

With effect from AY2019/2020, students admitted into a government-subsidised graduate coursework programme and who take longer than the normal candidature period to complete their degree requirements are required to pay full unsubsidised fees, during the extended semesters. More information is available here.

More information on Normal Candidature Duration is available here.

All students are required to pay Tuition Fees and Miscellaneous Student Fees.

Tuition Fees

The AY2024/2025 tuition fees for newly admitted students to the Master of Public Health programme are as follows. Amounts are listed in SGD and indicate fees per annum.

Full Time Students
Subsidised Fees
Non-Subsidised Fees
Singapore Citizens


Singapore Permanent Residents


International Students


Part Time Students
Subsidised Fees
Non-Subsidised Fees
Singapore Citizens


Singapore Permanent Residents


International Students


The AY2023/2024 tuition fees for different cohorts of students are set out here.

Miscellaneous Student Fees

Miscellaneous fees help meet costs incurred by the University in providing services to the student community that are either not covered or only partially covered by the tuition fee and government subsidy. These services include healthcare for students; facilitating student cultural, social and recreational programmes; and maintaining the shuttle bus service, IT network and other essential campus infrastructure and services. All students, full-time and part-time basis, will be charged the miscellaneous fees. These are due at the same time as the tuition fees. For more information, please refer here.

SkillsFuture Mid-Career Enhanced Subsidy

Students who are Singapore Citizens, aged 40 and above, and enrolled in MOE-subsidised coursework programmes may be eligible for subsidy under the SkillsFuture Mid-Career Enhanced Subsidy. For more information, please refer here.