Curriculum – Master of Public Health

The programme is offered on a full-time and part-time basis.

  • For full-time students, the minimum candidature is 12 months, maximum candidature is 24 months.
  • For part-time students, the minimum candidature is 24 months, maximum candidature is 48 months

Study plans for full-time and part-time students are available here.

Normal Candidature Period:

Applicable for students enrolled in government-subsidised graduate coursework degree programmes. The normal candidature period refers to the normal duration that students are expected to take to complete a programme of study, excluding all approved Leave of Absence (LOA) periods.

The Normal Candidature Duration for full-time students and part-time students is 1.5 and 2 years respectively.

With effect from AY2019/2020, students admitted into a government-subsidised graduate coursework programme and who take longer than the normal candidature period to complete their degree requirements are required to pay full unsubsidised fees, during the extended semesters.

More information on Normal Candidature Duration is available here.

Programme Requirements

Core Courses (24 units)

SPH5001 Foundations of Public Health (0 unit)

SPH5002 Public Health Research Methods (8 units)

SPH5003 Health Behaviour and Communication (4 units)

SPH5007 Implementing Public Health Programmes and Policies (4 units)

SPH5008 Ethics in Public Health Practice (0 unit)

SPH5005 Practicum (8 units)

Elective Courses (24 units)

Please refer to Academic Calendar

(Up to 24 units of elective courses completed in SSG-funded Graduate Certificates or individual academic courses may be eligible for credit transfer, subject to approval.)

*Effective from AY2022/2023 intake, a minimum grade of ‘B’ for all specialisation courses and SPH5005 Practicum is required to qualify for a specialisation.