
12 Jul 2024

Malaysia was on the brink of eliminating malaria – then a new parasite swung out of the jungle

In Malaysia, a newly identified malaria parasite similar to HIV has already infected thousands. Originating from monkeys, this mosquito-borne parasitic threat is emerging from the lush rainforest to infect humans. Scientists are now investigating the situation amid fears that it could eventually spread between humans. While Malaysia has eliminated ‘normal’ malaria, since 2011, over 25,000 people in the region have contracted the simian parasite, which causes intense nausea, malaise, fever, and sometimes death.Will there be a persistent spread of this monkey malaria and human-to-human transmission in the near future? Hear from Assoc Prof Kimberly Fornace as she shares her expert opinion on disease transmission and malaria elimination.
3 Jul 2024

MIDSEA Summer School, Workshop and Symposium

The Modelling Infectious Diseases in Southeast Asia (MIDSEA) Summer School, Workshop and Symposium, a 10-day event focused on infectious disease modelling in Southeast Asia, commenced on 19 June, 2024, at the International Center for Interdisciplinary Science and Education (CSE) in Vietnam. This collaborative effort, organised by the Vietnam Science Association and MIDSEA researchers, attracted over 70 scientists and postgraduate students from 17 countries. Throughout the event, prominent researchers presented a diverse array of studies and lectures on infectious disease models, with the ultimate goal of enhancing preparedness for future outbreaks in the region. Notably, Vice Dean (Research), Prof Alex Cook, delivered two lectures sharing his research and expertise on models and statistics of prevalent infectious diseases in Southeast Asia, including dengue fever, influenza, and other respiratory illnesses.
2 Jul 2024

Integrated Shield Plan lifetime premiums vary widely across insurers, MOH comparison shows

Depending on their choice of insurance provider, individuals who purchase an Integrated Shield Plan (IP) for private hospital treatment can end up paying a staggering difference of more than $85,000 over their lifetimes. This substantial disparity underscores the importance of careful consideration when selecting an IP provider. IP is an optional health coverage provided by private insurance companies, typically for stays in A or B1-type wards in public or private hospitals. Recent data published by MOH shows significant premium variations even among plans categorised under the same ward class, as both coverage and pricing are determined by the insurer. Hear from Assoc Prof Wee Hwee Lin and Asst Prof Cynthia Chen as they discuss how individuals can evaluate their options, in consideration of long-term healthcare expenses, when choosing insurers.
28 Jun 2024

No human cases of bird flu in Singapore but public urged to stay vigilant: MOH

In April, the World Health Organization (WHO) expressed concerns about the spread of H5N1 bird flu. Chief Scientist Jeremy Farrar highlighted that it has an "extraordinarily high" mortality rate in humans.
27 Jun 2024

Commentary: How much should we worry each time a new COVID-19 variant arises?

Although the current COVID-19 wave is declining, questions arise with each new variant. Should we wait for vaccines targeting the latest FLiRT variants before getting a booster shot? Hear from Prof Hsu Li Yang as he shares his expert opinion on this.
26 Jun 2024

The world is not prepared for the next pandemic. Here’s why

Negotiations for a new international Pandemic Agreement recently concluded without consensus among World Health Organisation (WHO) member states. This is concerning as the world has faced at least six pandemics, fuelled by the ease and frequency of international travel, in the last two decades.
22 Jun 2024

Interactive Education: Lockdown! Game Cards at ASM Microbe 2024

ASM Microbe 2024, the annual conference of the American Society for Microbiology, took place in Atlanta (Georgia, USA) from 13 to 17 June 2024. It is the largest microbiology conference globally. With over 6000 attendees, it was a meeting of minds amongst scientists and physicians from hospital microbiology labs, technology companies, government and academia. The School was an exhibitor, led by Assoc Prof Yann Felix Boucher. Together with Dr Anna Szuecs from the Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine, they presented the Lockdown! Game which was popular with delegates and flew off the shelves. The innovative card game was developed during the COVID-19 pandemic to educate the public about how specific public health measures address the pandemic and how global cooperation is essential in addressing these issues. Assoc Prof Boucher also paid visit to Dr Christine Lee at the CDC, head of the reference laboratory for enteric pathogens and did a presentation the effects of climate change on vibriosis.
20 Jun 2024

MOU Signing Ceremony with Asia-Europe Foundation

On 14 June 2024, a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) was signed between the School and Asia-Europe Foundation (ASEF) to formalise the partnership between the two entities. The signatories were Dean, Prof Teo Yik Ying, and Ambassador Morikawa Toru, Executive Director of ASEF. It was witnessed by His Excellency Mr Ishikawa Hiroshi, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Japan to Singapore, Embassy of Japan, and Professor Leo Tan, ASEF Governor from Singapore.
7 Jun 2024

MOH rejects ‘egregious and false claims’ by People’s Power Party about COVID-19 vaccines

The Ministry of Health (MOH) has rejected “egregious and false claims” that COVID-19 vaccinations are the cause of severe side effects including excessive deaths. Rebutting these claims, MOH said that there is a need to draw the right conclusions and follow scientific evidence on the safety and effectiveness of the vaccines. It added that, while there are side effects to any vaccination, scientific evidence overwhelmingly shows that protection from vaccines outweighs the side effects. Hear from Professor Hsu Li Yang as he shares his views on the vaccine.
5 Jun 2024

SSHSPH Faculty Awards AY2022/2023

ongratulating to our SSHSPH Faculty Awards AY2022/2023 recipients. Asst Prof Hannah Clapham, Dr Cecilia Teng and Asst Prof Saima Hilal have been awarded the SSHSPH Teaching Excellence Award AY2022/2023, which recognises faculty members who have excelled in teaching, and have shown a high level of performance, dedication and commitment to teaching and learning. Asst Prof Yvette van der Eijk is the recipient of the SSHSPH Young Researcher Award for AY2022/2023. This award recognizes junior faculty members who have demonstrated great potential in research and achieved research excellence.
4 Jun 2024

Congratulations to Assoc Prof Luo Nan for winning the HPHSR Clinician Scientist Award (HCSA) (Senior Investigator)

Congratulations to Assoc Prof Luo Nan for winning the HPHSR Clinician Scientist Award (HCSA) (Senior Investigator)at the National Medical Research Council (NMRC) Talent Awards 2024. This prestigious award recognises senior clinician scientists who have demonstrated sustained, high levels of productivity and leadership in this field. It is designed to support research work in Health Promotion, Preventive Health, Population Health, and Health Services Research (HPHSR), with the goal of creating significant and lasting impact on the nation's health outcomes.
31 May 2024

Southeast Asia Health Security Roundtable Series: Leadership and Communication in Major Epidemics

The third instalment of the Southeast Asia Health Security Roundtable Series took place from 24 to 25 May 2024 at Parkroyal On Beach Road. Themed "Leadership and Communication in Major Epidemics", the roundtable aims to support regional and national capacities for detecting and responding effectively to infectious disease outbreaks by fostering regional dialogue on health security.
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