Giving Stories

Dr Phyo Wai Thaung

Studying MPH in one of the world-class universities such as NUS has been my personal goal since I graduated in 2010, and after pursuing a career in public health by working in the NGO sector in Myanmar. Soon after I joined the School, my academic expectations are being fulfilled because of the effective teaching methods and the vibrant learning environment. The core modules have equipped me with the knowledge that every public health professionals must know and possess as they carry on with their future careers, while the elective modules have provided me the opportunity to specialise in a particular area of my interest.

I am also delighted to meet classmates from diverse backgrounds who share their knowledge and experiences with me. With the newly learned skills and knowledge, I am now even more confident to go back to my country to make a more meaningful contribution in improving the health of our people.

Two years ago, I could not help but dream of studying at NUS. Now, my dream has come true because of the financial support from JC Trust Ltd. Without this support, it will be challenging for a student like me who came from a developing country to overcome financial barriers. I would like to express my heartfelt gratitude to JC Trust Ltd. for giving me this great opportunity to expand my knowledge in the field of public health. Education is truly one of the best investments today because it inspires and empowers students, like me, who aim to contribute to the community at large.

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