Adjunct Associate Professor

MA Stefan


  • NUS Saw Swee Hock School of Public Health (Adjunct)
  • Deputy Director (Biostatistics & Research), Epidemiology & Disease Control Division, Public Health Group, Ministry of Health Singapore (Primary)

Research Areas

  • Risk modelling, Burden of disease, Comparative risk assessment
  • Disease projection, Small area analysis, Environmental health modelling, Disease dynamics modelling

Teaching Areas

  • Statistical Methods in Epidemiology

Academic/Professional Qualifications

  • Doctor of Philosophy (Biostatistics), The University of Hong Kong
  • Master in Statistics, The University of Hong Kong
  • Bachelor of Science (Statistics & Operations Research), University of Melbourne
  • Chartered Statistician, Royal Statistical Society, United Kingdom
  • Chartered Scientist, Science Council, United Kingdom


  • Fellow, Royal Statistical Society, United Kingdom
  • Awarded by the “Hui Pun Hing Scholarship for Postgraduate Research” in two academic years (1996/97 and 1997/98)

Administrative Leadership

  • Deputy Director (Biostatistics & Research), Epidemiology & Disease Control Division, Public Health Group, Ministry of Health Singapore
  • Professional/Consulting Activities:
  • Editorial board member, Infectious disease modeling journal
  • Statistical advisor, BioMed Central internet medical journals
  • Editorial board member, Singapore Epidemiological News Bulletin
  • Editorial board member, Biomathematics journal (2011-12)
  • Co-edited for Lecture Notes Series, Institute for Mathematical Sciences, National University of Singapore, Volume 16: Mathematical Understanding of Infectious Disease Dynamics (2008), ISBN: 978-981-283-482-9
  • Editorial board member, Annals Academy Medicine, Singapore Journal (2008-13)
  • Co-chair, Workshop on Mathematical models for the study of the infection dynamics of emergent and re-emergent diseases in humans (an international programme organised for the Institute for Mathematical Sciences, National University of Singapore in 2007)
  • Temporary advisor (WRPO/WHO), Informal consultation on protocols for influenza disease burden studies (2007)
  • Co-chair, Workshop on Mathematical modelling of infectious diseases: Dynamic and control (an International Programme organised for the Institute for Mathematical Sciences, National University of Singapore in 2005)

Selected Publications

  • Chei CL, Lee J ML, Ma S, Malhotra R. Happy older people live longer. Age Ageing. Accepted June 2018. Published online on 27 August 2018. https://doi/10.1093/ageing/afy128
  • Lim WY, Ma S, Heng D, Tai ES, Khoo CM, Loh TP. Screening for diabetes with HbA1c: Test performance of HbA1c compared to fasting plasma glucose among Chinese, Malay and Indian community residents in Singapore. Scientific Reports 2018;
  • Cheng H-L G, Malhotra R, Østbye T, Chan A, Ma S, Lo JC. Changes in nocturnal sleep and daytime nap durations predict all-cause mortality among older adults: the Panel on Health and Ageing of Singaporean Elderly. SLEEP. Published online as Accepted Manuscript 2 May 2018.
  • Xu H, Fu X, Ma S, Lim TK, Tambyah PA, Habibullah MS, Lee GKK, Lee CN, Goh KT, Goh RWM, Lee KHL. Weather Impact on Heat-related Illness in a Tropical City State, Singapore. Atmospheric and Climate Sciences 2018;8:97—100.
  • Leung YY, Ma S, Noviani M, Wong SBS, Lee CM, Soh I, Thumboo J. Validation of Screening Questionnaires for Evaluation of Knee Osteoarthritis Prevalence in the General Population of Singapore. International Journal of Rheumatic Diseases 2018;31:629—38.
  • Chai JH, Ma S, Heng D, Yoong J, Lim WY, Toh SA, Loh TP. Impact of analytical and biological variations on classification of diabetes using fasting plasma glucose, oral glucose tolerance test and HbA1c. Scientific Report 2017;7:13721.
  • Ang LW, Yap J, Lee V, Chng WQ, Jaufeerally FR, Lam CSP, Cutter J, Yeo KK, Ma S. Influenza-associated hospitalizations for cardiovascular diseases in the tropics. American Journal of Epidemiology 2017;15:202—9.
  • Tan KH, Barr E, Koshkina V, Ma S, Kowlessur S, Magliano DJ, Soderberg S, Chia KS, Zimmet P, Lim WY. Diabetes mellitus prevalence is increasing in South Asians but stable in Chinese living in Singapore Mauritius. Journal of Diabetes 2016;9:855—64.
  • Mallotra R, Chan A, Ajay S, Ma S, Saito Y. Variation in the gender gap in inactive and active life expectancy by the definition of inactivity among older adults. Journal of Aging Health 2016;28:1279—98.
  • Alperet DJ. Lim WY, Heng DMK, Ma S, van Dam RM. Optimal anthropometric measures and thresholds to identify undiagnosed type 2 diabetes in three major Asian ethnic groups. Obesity 2016;24:2185—2193.

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