Webinar Series: The Science and Business of COVID-19 

Preventing and Treating COVID-19: When Will We Get a Vaccine? Are There Any Effective Treatments?

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Monday, 20 April 2020


12.30pm – 1.30pm (Singapore Time)


What is the process for vaccine development from the “prototype” identification to the end goal of global immunisation? Find out about the options in therapeutics which include the process of evaluating its safety and efficacy, and ensuring its access and availability. Roadmap of key activities and expected timeline will also be discussed in this session.


Prof John Lim
Executive Director, Centre of Regulatory Excellence (CoRE), Duke-NUS Medical School
Chairman, Singapore Clinical Research Institute & National Health Innovation Centre
Policy Lead, SingHealth Duke-NUS Global Health Institute
Professor, SSHSPH


Dr Amgad Gamil 
Senior Director, Medical & Scientific Affairs Emerging Markets, Vaccines, Pfizer

Asst Prof Ashley St John
SingHealth Duke-NUS Global Health Institute
Programme in Emerging Infectious Diseases, Duke-NUS Medical School

Prof Leo Yee Sin
Executive Director, National Centre for Infectious Diseases
Adjunct Professor, SSHSPH

Prof Ooi Eng Eong
SingHealth Duke-NUS Global Health Institute
Deputy Director, Programme in Emerging Infectious Diseases, Duke-NUS Medical School
Professor, SSHSPH

Jointly organised by:

This webinar is part of the Science and Business of COVID-19 webinar series:

Part 1 – A COVID-19 World: What Do We Know? How Are Governments Responding?

Part 2 – Preventing and Treating COVID-19: When Will We Get A Vaccine? Are There Any Effective Treatments?

Part 3 – The Economic Shock of COVID-19: How Can Businesses and Communities Remain Resilient?

Part 4 – A Post-COVID-19 World: What Will Be Our New Normal?