The Saw Swee Hock School of Public Health launched its graduate research programmes in August 2012, offering both the Master of Science (MSc) and Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) programmes.
The MSc and PhD programmes are research-intensive programmes that emphasise both the mastery of research skills and the acquisition of core knowledge in a specified area of interest. Students will complete coursework and conduct independent research under the supervision of a faculty member.
From Year 1,
Both MSc and PhD students will embark on their research projects, complete core courses and choose from a range of elective courses that cater to individual research interests.
In Year 2,
MSc students will start writing their thesis, while PhD students will complete a PhD Qualifying Examination (PQE) which assesses their ability to complete PhD requirements based on their academic progress and quality of their research. MSc students who wish to transfer to the PhD programme need to complete the PhD coursework requirements, and pass the PQE within 2 years.
In Years 3-5,
PhD students will execute the rest of their research plans and submit and defend the thesis.
Our research degrees in public health will offer graduates opportunities in the healthcare sector, biomedical and pharmaceutical industries, research institutes, government agencies and academia. We welcome students from a variety of backgrounds including social sciences, medicine, statistics, life sciences, and many more.
For enquires on the graduate research programmes, please contact us at