Economic evaluation in healthcare programmes and interventions


Monday, 18 June 2018


9.30am – 10.30am


This seminar illustrates the feasibility and usefulness of conducting and using economic evaluations to inform health policy development and/or technology adoption. Various types of economic evaluations, namely ex-ante, ongoing and ex-post evaluation HTAs will be discussed. This is to delineate how economic evaluation can be used throughout the policy process namely agenda setting, policy formulation, policy implementation and policy evaluation. Using real case studies, the seminar integrates the four components of the aforementioned policy process to enhance the understanding of the role of HTA therein.

About the speaker:

A medical doctor and health economist by training, Yot is a founder of HITAP under the Thailand’s Ministry of Public Health. The works of HITAP have been used to inform coverage decisions and price negotiation on medicines, vaccines, medical devices, health promotion and disease prevention under the Universal Health Coverage Scheme. Recently, he joins the National University of Singapore as a visiting professor at Saw Swee Hock School of Public Health. He is also a member of the Executive Board of the international Decision Support Initiative (iDSI). He has published more than 120 peer-reviewed journal articles and provided technical support for HTA capacity building in a wide range of countries including Bhutan, Korea, India, Indonesia, Nepal, Myanmar, the Philippines, South Africa, Sri Lanka and Vietnam. Yot is the founder and former president of the HTAsiaLink, a regional network comprising of more than 30 health technology assessment agencies throughout Asia and Pacific region.