Healthcare Services and Management


Assistant Professor (Research) Email WANG Yi Dr WANG Yi’s research areas include early health technology assessment, traditional health technology assessment, population’s preference for health and healthcare, and economic evaluation/analysis using real-world data and observational data. He is also interested in medical innovation and promoting efficient medical innovation process. Affiliation NUS Saw Swee Hock School of Public Health Research Areas Health economics Health technology assessment Early health technology assessment Consumers’/patients’ preference and decision making Real-world data, real-world evidence Teaching Areas Public health economics Health econometrics Health technology assessment Early health technologyRead more

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Foong Pin Sym


Senior Research Fellow Email Website LinkedIn FOONG Pin Sym Pin Sym manages the Telehealth Core, a research centre that supports and studies the development of eHealth projects. She has a Masters in Human Computer Interaction Design and a PhD in Interactive Media. Her days consist of inspirational, challenging and absorbing conversations with her collaborators in the fields of health, technology and design. She stays motivated by remembering the patients and families she has journeyed with. Currently, she is working on chronic disease prevention and patient education for cardiovascular diseases, diabetes,

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TENG Cecilia

Deputy Director of Student Life; Senior Lecturer Email TENG CeciliaAffiliation NUS Saw Swee Hock School of Public Health Research Areas Public health education Health services research Health promotion Pharmacy practice Teaching Areas Prevention and Control of Non-Communicable Diseases Fundamental Public Health Methods Health of the Poor in Asia Public Health in Action Public Health Practice Academic Qualifications PhD, National University of Singapore BSc(Pharm)(Hons), National University of Singapore Professional Qualifications Registered Pharmacist, Singapore Pharmacy Council Awards/Honours NUS Annual Teaching Excellence Award (Individual), 2023 Emerald Literati Award for Outstanding Paper in Higher

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LIM Chien Wei John

Professor (Joint) Tel (65) 6601 1670 Email LIM Chien Wei JohnAffiliation NUS Saw Swee Hock School of Public Health (Joint) Executive Director, Centre of Regulatory Excellence, Duke-NUS Graduate Medical School (Primary) Senior Advisor, Ministry of Health, Singapore Chairman, Singapore Clinical Research Institute Research Areas Health Regulation/Regulatory Science Teaching Areas Health Regulation/Regulatory Science Health Administration Academic/Professional Qualifications MBBS (Singapore) M Sc (Public Health) (Singapore) SM (Health Policy & Management) (Harvard) AM (Singapore) Awards Tye Cho Yook Gold Medal Career History and Administrative Leadership Chief Executive Officer, Health Sciences Authority Administrator, Singapore Blood

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Professor (Joint) Tel (65) 6516 2338 Email FINKELSTEIN Eric Andrew Dr. Finkelstein is Professor of Health Services and Systems Research at the Duke-NUS Medical School, Singapore and the Executive Director of the Lien Centre for Palliative Care. He also holds appointments at NUS School of Public Health and Duke University Global Health Institute. His research focuses on the economic causes and consequences of health behaviors, with a primary emphasis on the use of traditional and behavioral economic incentives to influence behaviors in ways to improve the public’s health. Recent research also

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Domain Leader (Health Systems & Behavioural Sciences); Associate Professor Tel (65) 6516 4966 Fax (65) 6779 1489 Email LUO NanAffiliation Domain Leader (Health Systems & Behavioral Sciences), NUS Saw Swee Hock School of Public Health (Primary) NUS Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine (Joint) Research Areas Health-related quality of life measurement Health services research Teaching Areas Health services research methodology Academic/Professional Qualifications B.Sc. (1996), Shenyang Pharmaceutical University, China M.Sc. (1999), Shenyang Pharmaceutical University, China Ph.D. (2004), National University of Singapore, Singapore Career History Post-Doctoral Research Fellow (2003-2004), Institute of Health Economics &

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