Health Systems and Policies


Professor (Visiting) Email Twitter @legidoquigley LEGIDO-QUIGLEY HelenaAffiliation NUS Saw Swee Hock School of Public Health Research Areas Health systems research on chronic conditions and integration of services. The use and implementation of clinical guidelines Implementation and development of health policy on quality of health care and ehealth. The effect of the financial crisis and austerity measures on health and health care systems. The future of the global health architecture particularly focusing on the AIDS response and South East Asia. Health care experiences of migrant populations. The future of health in AfricaRead more

LEGIDO-QUIGLEY Helena Read More »

KOH Choon Huat Gerald

Professor Tel (65) 6516 4979 Fax (65) 6779 1489 Email KOH Choon Huat GeraldAffiliation NUS Saw Swee Hock School of Public Health Clinical Director, Future Primary Care, Ministry of Health (MOH) Office of Healthcare Transformation (MOHT) NUS Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine Honorary Adjunct Faculty, Geriatric Education and Research Institute, Singapore Founder and Non-Executive Board Member, T-Rehab Pte Ltd (an NUS Start-Up Company) Honorary Associate Professor, Department of Social Work and Social Administration, University of Hong Kong Research Areas Stroke and geriatric rehabilitation Medical education Teaching Areas Family medicine Geriatric

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