With the increasing attention on physical activity in recent years and the lack of comprehensive assessments of current activity levels among children and adolescents, the PANDA team joined the Global Matrix 4.0. Joining this global initiative was also an opportunity to compare the physical activity landscape in Singapore with other 56 participating countries as country-specific Report Cards are developed. The Global Matrix is led by the Active Healthy Kids Global Alliance (AHKGA), a non-profit organization. The Report Cards use an evidence-based approach to consolidate and assess existing local evidence on physical activity behaviors among children and adolescents to promote a healthier lifestyle through policy development and research. The consolidated evidence is then benchmarked and graded. The Report Cards have 10 common indicators related to individual behavioral factors, settings and sources of influence, and strategies and investments.

Overall, Singapore has fared well in organizing the community and the environment to support physical activity among the young and has a supportive government. However, behavioral indicators such as overall physical activity, active play, active transport, and sedentary behavior, were not optimal. While most of the indicators were assigned a grade in this report card, comprehensive and representative data were often limited or absent. To allow for continuous monitoring of relevant outcomes, we recommend additional efforts to strengthen frequency and quality of surveillance efforts, as well as the development and evaluation of strategies to promote key behaviors.
For more information, please refer to:
- Singapore Report Card – short and long format
- Singapore Report Card – scientific publication
- Global Matrix 4.0 Physical Activity Report Card Grades for Children and Adolescents: Results and Analyses From 57 Countries
- Report card grades on physical activity for children and adolescents from 18 Asian countries: Patterns, trends, gaps, and future recommendations