
24 Jul 2019

Dengue: three possible factors why some areas are more prone

Singapore is seeing one of the worst dengue seasons in several years, with more cases so far this year than the last two years combined. Assistant Professor Vincent Pang, Director, Centre for Infectious Disease Epidemiology and Research (CIDER), attributed the rise of dengue clusters in certain areas to three factors: 1) greater clustering of households within a residential area, 2) low cluster herd immunity, and 3) high frequency of residents travelling to dengue-endemic countries such as Malaysia, Indonesia, Thailand and the Philippines. He added that areas with a greater numberRead more
22 Jul 2019

SSHSPH Visit to Lao People’s Democratic Republic

On 15-18 July 2019, a delegation of nine SSHSPH faculty members travelled to Vientiane, Lao People’s Democratic Republic, to learn more about the public health issues facing the country, as well as how the Lao people are working towards overcoming them. They were joined by two members of Thailand’s Health Intervention and Technology Assessment Program (HITAP). The group was hosted by Dr Sengchanh Kounnavong, Director of the Lao Tropical and Public Health Institute. They also had the opportunity to visit the National Tuberculosis Centre, Nutrition Center and Maternal & ChildRead more
NIHA Leadership Development Programme
19 Jul 2019

Advancing Universal Health Coverage through the use of Health Technology Assessment

Held on 24-28 June, the NUS Initiative to Improve Health in Asia Leadership Development Programme (NIHA LDP) 2019 was organised by the Saw Swee Hock School of Public Health, and co-hosted by National Health Foundation Thailand, the Access and Delivery Partnership (ADP) and the International Decision Support Initiative (iDSI). More than 70 senior regulators, health policymakers and practitioners from 18 countries took part in the programme with the theme ‘Advancing Universal Health Coverage (UHC) through the use of Health Technology Assessment (HTA) for health care priority setting and reimbursement’. The programme coveredRead more
Class photo at AlumNite 2019
17 Jul 2019

SSHSPH AlumNite 2019

Faculty, alumni, current students and graduands gathered on 11 July for an evening of reunion and celebration at SSHSPH AlumNite 2019 held at Park Avenue Rochester Hotel. Vice Dean (Education), Associate Professor Jeannette Lee addressed the graduands, congratulating them on their achievements and for completing their studies. She also shared her hopes that they would stay in touch and return for future AlumNites, this time as alumni. This year, alumna Ms Petrina Ho (MPH ’12) was invited to share about her SSHSPH education and public health experience. Ms Ho isRead more
16 Jul 2019

Let’s Talk Public Health with Asst Prof Feng Mengling

The NUS-NUHS-MIT Healthcare AI Datathon and Expo 2019 will be held this week from 17 to 21 July 2019. Assistant Professor ‘Mornin’ Feng Mengling is leading the Artificial Intelligence (AI) Datathon segment for the third year now. He talks to us about some of the successes of the past two years and more broadly about his work at the School. Pictured above is Mornin (1st from right) at last year’s Datathon Tell us more about the AI Datathon. To be successful in healthcare computer science, there needs to be closeRead more
15 Jul 2019

Congratulations, Class of 2019!

It was a memorable day for the Class of 2019 as our graduating students marked a significant milestone at the SSHSPH Commencement Ceremony on 12 July. Held at the University Cultural Centre, 38 Master of Public Health (MPH), Master of Science (MSc) and Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) graduates received their degrees from Presiding Officer Mr Gautam Banerjee, NUS Pro-Chancellor. The ceremony was jointly hosted by the School of Computing. Guest of Honour, Mr Chng Kai Fong, Managing Director, Economic Development Board, addressed the graduates, congratulating them on their achievements. HeRead more
A/Prof Jeannette Lee with Prof Tan Eng Chye, NUS President and Prof Ho Teck Hua, NUS Senior Deputy President and Provost (1st from right) at the SSHSPH Booth at NUS Open Day 2019
12 Jul 2019

Let’s Talk Public Health with A/Prof Jeannette Lee

As we celebrate our graduating students at today’s Commencement Ceremony, we spoke to Associate Professor Jeannette Lee, Vice Dean (Education), about the School’s education programmes and the future direction of education here. Pictured above is A/Prof Jeannette Lee with Prof Tan Eng Chye, NUS President (2nd from left) and Prof Ho Teck Hua, NUS Senior Deputy President and Provost (1st from right) at the SSHSPH Booth at NUS Open Day 2019. Tell us about the School’s education programmes. Public health is everyone’s business and we need people with a diverseRead more
5 Jul 2019

Could a ban on flavoured cigarettes be the answer to curb youth smoking in Singapore?

Singapore has the largest menthol tobacco market in the world. Half of the cigarettes sold here are flavoured with menthol. In her research of leaked internal tobacco industry documents, Dr Yvette van der Eijk, Senior Research Fellow, found that, in Singapore, tobacco companies used menthol cigarettes to target teenagers. She believes that a ban on tobacco flavours could help to reduce the smoking rates among Singaporean youth. Other territories like Canada, Brazil, Turkey, the European Union and parts of the United States are now banning tobacco flavours. Research so farRead more
Antibiotic Tales cover
24 Jun 2019

Tackling antibiotics with Sonny Liew

Award-winning Singaporean cartoonist Sonny Liew and Associate Professor Hsu Li Yang, Programme Leader (Infectious Diseases) have collaborated to produce a comic book titled ‘The Antibiotic Tales’. The comic covers the topic of antimicrobial resistance — the ability of microbes to evolve and resist the drugs used to kill them. “While antimicrobial resistance is a major global public health threat, it is not well understood by the public,” said A/Prof Hsu. “The problem is not just in human medicine, but also in how food animals are raised and how waste is recycled orRead more
21 Jun 2019

June – the ‘traditional’ start of Singapore’s dengue season

More than 5,400 people in Singapore have been infected by dengue so far this year, which is more than four times the figure in the same period last year. For every infected person who shows symptoms, there are up to 10 others who are infected but suffer a mild form of the illness, and do not go to a doctor. Associate Professor Hsu Li Yang, Programme Leader (Infectious Diseases), said it is “clear that we are in the midst of a dengue epidemic”. “June is also the ‘traditional’ start ofRead more
11 Jun 2019

Leadership in Occupational Health Training Workshop

On 3–5 June 2019, the School conducted a training workshop on ‘Leadership in Occupational Health’ with 29 senior-management-level participants from various hospitals, preventive centres and national institutes in Vietnam. This workshop aims to provide participants with competencies and skills in the planning, implementation and evaluation of health programmes, and acts as the second part of a course that was conducted on 10–12 April in Nha Trang, Khanh Hoa Province, Vietnam with the same participants. The course is part of the Public Health in Vietnam programme, under the TFI-NUS-Viet Nam projectRead more
6 Jun 2019

Estimating the size of key groups at risk of HIV in Singapore for better prevention and intervention efforts

A recent study estimated that 210,000 men in Singapore have sex with other men, and they could face a concentrated epidemic of the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). Led by Vice Dean (Research), Associate Professor Alex Cook, the study is the first of its kind to estimate the number of people in specific groups in Singapore who are at risk of HIV infection. There are four key ‘hidden’ population groups most likely to acquire and transmit HIV. They are estimated to be: 210,000 men who have sex with men 72,000 male clients ofRead more
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