Giving Stories

Ms Chew Sin Yee

It took some effort to adjust to student life after having worked for the past three years, but the exposure to new knowledge, ideas and perspectives was invigorating. Studying in NUS is also a timely reminder to never rest on one’s laurels and the importance of constant learning. The lecturers are engaging and knowledgeable which made learning a pleasure. In addition, peers from various backgrounds enriched the experience further, and I thoroughly enjoyed the interactions and have gained much from their support and friendship.

Being awarded the Saw Swee Hock Master of Public Health Scholarship provided the peace of mind for me to focus on my studies which I am immensely honoured and grateful for. This experience also provided me the space and time to re-evaluate my career path and explore opportunities in public health. I will work towards fulfilling the spirit of the scholarship and do my part to create a positive impact in the area of public health in the future.

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