Professor (Joint)

TAI E Shyong

Professor (Joint) Tel (65) 6772 4371 Email TAI E ShyongAffiliation NUS Saw Swee Hock School of Public Health (Joint) Senior Consultant, Division of Endocrinology, National University Hospital (Primary) Research Areas Elucidation of gene-environment interactions that determine the levels of cardiovascular risk factors in the Singapore population, the role of genetic and environmental factors that alter lipid and lipoprotein metabolism as well as insulin resistance. Implementation and evaluation of novel models of healthcare delivery that can improve the efficiency of the healthcare system in order to optimise outcomes for patients forRead more

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OOI Eng Eong

Professor (Joint) Tel (65) 6516 8594 Email OOI Eng Eong The global emergence of epidemic dengue and other Aedes-borne flaviviruses is fuelled in part by an incomplete understanding of the determinants of immunity against these viruses and the molecular underpinnings of disease pathogenesis. My laboratory aims to address these critical gaps in knowledge at the interface between clinical epidemiology, virology and immunology. We combine molecular virology and host response investigations with epidemiological investigations and experimental medicine studies, including clinical trials. Specifically, we are interested in elucidating: (1) the mechanisms that govern

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LIM Chien Wei John

Professor (Joint) Tel (65) 6601 1670 Email LIM Chien Wei JohnAffiliation NUS Saw Swee Hock School of Public Health (Joint) Executive Director, Centre of Regulatory Excellence, Duke-NUS Graduate Medical School (Primary) Senior Advisor, Ministry of Health, Singapore Chairman, Singapore Clinical Research Institute Research Areas Health Regulation/Regulatory Science Teaching Areas Health Regulation/Regulatory Science Health Administration Academic/Professional Qualifications MBBS (Singapore) M Sc (Public Health) (Singapore) SM (Health Policy & Management) (Harvard) AM (Singapore) Awards Tye Cho Yook Gold Medal Career History and Administrative Leadership Chief Executive Officer, Health Sciences Authority Administrator, Singapore Blood

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KOH Woon Puay

Professor (Joint) Tel (65) 66016864 Email KOH Woon Puay Dr Koh received her MBBS (Honours) from NUS, her PhD in immunology from the University of Sydney, Australia, and postdoctoral training in epidemiology from the University of Southern California in USA. Prof Koh is the Principal Investigator of the Singapore Chinese Health Study, a 63,257-strong cohort of middle-aged and elderly Chinese Singaporeans established for the long-term study of dietary and environmental determinants of chronic diseases common among Singaporeans. She has co-authored over 420 scientific papers on diet, lifestyle and genes in

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Professor (Joint) Tel (65) 6516 2338 Email FINKELSTEIN Eric Andrew Dr. Finkelstein is Professor of Health Services and Systems Research at the Duke-NUS Medical School, Singapore and the Executive Director of the Lien Centre for Palliative Care. He also holds appointments at NUS School of Public Health and Duke University Global Health Institute. His research focuses on the economic causes and consequences of health behaviors, with a primary emphasis on the use of traditional and behavioral economic incentives to influence behaviors in ways to improve the public’s health. Recent research also

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SAW Seang Mei

Professor (Joint) Tel (65) 6516 4976 Email SAW Seang MeiAffiliation NUS Saw Swee Hock School of Public Health (Joint) Wallace Foulds Professor, Eye ACP, Duke-NUS Medical School (Primary) Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine (Joint) Research Areas Epidemiology of chronic diseases, especially eye diseases Epidemiology and Genetics of myopia Professor Saw has conducted several large-scale epidemiologic studies as PI, including the 20-year Singapore Cohort Of the Risk factors for Myopia (SCORM) of 1,979 children, the STARS myopia study of 3,009 pre-school children, the 10-year GUSTO Myopia study of 900 children and

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