Domain Leader (Health Systems & Behavioural Sciences); Associate Professor
Tel (65) 6516 4966
Fax (65) 6779 1489
Email ephln@nus.edu.sg
- Domain Leader (Health Systems & Behavioral Sciences), NUS Saw Swee Hock School of Public Health (Primary)
- NUS Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine (Joint)
Research Areas
- Health-related quality of life measurement
- Health services research
Teaching Areas
- Health services research methodology
Academic/Professional Qualifications
- B.Sc. (1996), Shenyang Pharmaceutical University, China
- M.Sc. (1999), Shenyang Pharmaceutical University, China
- Ph.D. (2004), National University of Singapore, Singapore
Career History
- Post-Doctoral Research Fellow (2003-2004), Institute of Health Economics & University of Alberta, Canada
- Outcomes Consulting Researcher (2004-2005), QualityMetric Incorporated, Lincoln, Rhode Island, USA
- Research Fellow (2005-2007), National University of Singapore, Singapore
- Assistant Professor (2008-2015), National University of Singapore, Singapore
Administrative Leadership
- Domain Leader (Health Systems and Behavioral Sciences)
Professional/Consulting Activities
- Visiting Research Fellow (2008-2009), Institute of Mental Health, Singapore
- Adjunt Research Scientist (2013-2016), Singapore Eye Research Institute, Singapore
- Health Economics Specialist (2014-2017), Ministry of Health, Singapore
Major Publications
- Luo N, Chew LH, Fong KY, et al. Quality of Life Research 2002;12:87-92.
- Luo N, Johnson JA, Shaw JW, et al. Medical Care 2005;43:1078-86.
- Luo N, Wang P, Thumboo J, et al. Pharmacoeconomics 2014;32:495-507.
Media Coverage
- 调查:更多国人选择健康饮食 但运动量不达标, Channel 8 World News, 23 September 2019
- He cares less about genital warts. The Straits Times (Mind Your Body), 27 November 2014, Thursday
- Impact of eye problems, at a glance. The Sunday Times, 25 May 2014, Sunday