Adjunct Assistant Professor

Tel (65) 6496 6927
Fax (65) 6496 5256

TOH Han Sim Matthias Paul


  • NUS Saw Swee Hock School of Public Health (Adjunct)
  • Consultant, Information Management, Group Operations, National Healthcare Group (NHG) (Primary)

Research Areas

  • Public Health – Health Services Research and Primary Care
  • Epidemiology (in particularly non-communicable diseases and cardiovascular and metabolic syndrome)

Teaching Areas

  • General Preventive Medicine
  • Epidemiology, Non-Communicable Diseases

Academic/Professional Qualifications

  • MBBS (1997)
  • MMed (Public Health), Singapore (2004)
  • FAMS (2008)
  • Dip (Family Med), NUS (2009)
  • Dip (OM), Singapore (2011)


  • Best Poster (Quality and HSR Category) at the NHG Annual Scientific Congress 2007
  • Best Poster (Primary Care Category) at the NHG Annual Scientific Congress 2009
  • Poster (3rd prize) at the 8th Public Health and Occupational Medicine Conference 2013
  • Poster Award for Most Innovative Research Outcome at the 31st Meeting of the International Society for Quality in Health Care (ISQUA), Rio de Janreiro, Brazil, 2014

Career History

  • Assistant Director, Public Health / Disease Management / Health Services and Outcomes Research, NHG (2004-07)
  • Assistant Director / Associate Consultant (Public Health), Clinical Services, NHG Polyclinics (2007 – Jun 2010)
  • Associate Consultant (Public Health), Health Services and Outcomes Research (July 2010 – Jun 2011)
  • Consultant (Public Health), Information Management, Corporate Development, NHG (July 2011 till present)

Administrative Leadership

  • Head, Information Management, Clinical Services, Regional Health, NHG Clinician Champion, Chronic Disease Management System, NHG
  • Associate Program Director, Preventive Medicine Residency Program, National University Health System

Professional/Consulting Activities

  • Faculty Member, Primary Care Academy (PCA), NHG
  • Co-Chairman, Organising Committee, 8th Public Health and Occupational Medicine Conference 2013, Singapore
  • Honorary Treasurer, Singapore Public Health and Occupational Physicians Council 2014-2016

Selected Publications

  • Ng CS, Toh MPHS, Ng J, Ko Y. Direct Medical cost of Stroke in Singapore. Int J Stroke 2015; 10:75-82. doi: 10.1111/ijs.12576
  • Ng CS, Toh MPHS, Ko Y, Lee JYC. Direct Medical cost of Type 2 diabetes in Singapore. PLoS ONE 2015;10(3): e0122795. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0122795
  • Ng CS, Lee JYC, Toh MPHS, Ko Y. Cost-of-illness studies of diabetes mellitus: A systematic review. Diabetes Res Clin Pract. 2014;105(2):151-63. DOI: 10.1016/j.diabres.2014.03.020.
  • Toh MPHS, Kannan P, Chen Y, Chng FLC, Tang WE. Healthcare workers and H1N1 vaccination: Does having a chronic disease make a difference? Vaccine 2012; 30(6):1064-70. doi: 10.1016/j.vaccine.2011.12.037.
  • Toh MPHS, Wu CX, Leong HSS. Association of Younger Age With Poor Glycemic and Cholesterol Control in Asians With Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus in Singapore. J Endocrinol Metab 2011; 1(1):27-37.
  • Toh MPHS, Leong HSS, Lim BK. Development of a Diabetes Registry to Improve Quality of Care in the National Healthcare Group in Singapore. Ann Acad Med Singapore 2009;38(6):546-51.
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