Associate Professor (Joint)

Tel (65) 6576 7000

TAN Say Beng


  • NUS Saw Swee Hock School of Public Health (Joint)
  • Group Director Research, SingHealth (Primary)
  • Senior Associate Dean, Office of Clinical Sciences, Duke-NUS (Primary)

Research Areas

  • Clinical trials
  • Biostatistics

Academic/Professional Qualifications

  • PhD, MSc, MA

Career History

Start dates indicate when he first joined the organisation; appointments indicate the last held appointment)

  • Executive Director, National Medical Research Council (2011 – 2015)
  • Chief Scientific Officer, Singapore Clinical Research Institute (2008-2011)
  • Director, Centre of Quantitative Medicine, Duke-NUS (2007-2011)
  • Director, Biostatistics and Quantitative Epidemiology, SingHealth (2010-2011)
  • Principal Biostatistician and Head Strategic Planning, National Cancer Centre (1999 – 2011)
  • Director, Clinical Trials and Epidemiology Research Unit (2004-2008)

Professional/Consulting Activities

  • Associate Editor (Contemporary Clinical Trials; Journal of Biopharmaceutical Statistics; Contemporary Clinical Trials Communications)

Major Publications

  • Chow PKH, Poon DYH, Khin MW, Singh H, Han HS, Goh ASW, Choo SP, Lai HK, Lo RHG, Tay KH, Lim TG, Gandhi M, Tan SB, Soo KC for the Asia-Pacific Hepatocellular Carcinoma Trials Group (2014). Multicenter Phase II study of Sequential Radioembolization-Sorafenib Therapy for inoperable Hepatocellular Carcinoma. PLOS ONE 9:e90909.
  • Lim KC, Chow PKH, Allen JC, Chia GS, Lim MS, Cheow PC, Chung AYF, Ooi LLP, Tan SB. (2011) Microvascular Invasion is a Better Predictor of Tumour Recurrence and Overall Survival Following Surgical Resection for HCC Compared to the Milan Criteria. Annals of Surgery 254: 108-113
  • Tan SB, Wee J, Wong HB, Machin D (2008). Can external and subjective information ever be used to reduce the size of randomized controlled trials? Contemporary Clinical Trials 29: 211-219.
  • Tan SB, Dear KBG, Bruzzi P, Machin D (2003). Strategy for randomised clinical trials in rare cancers. British Medical Journal 327: 47 – 49.
  • Tan SB, Machin D (2002). Bayesian two-stage designs for Phase II clinical trials. Statistics in Medicine 21: 1991 – 2012.

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