PETRUNOFF Nicholas Alexander
Nick has expertise in conducting qualitative and quantitative research to inform policy and interventions which aim to promote health and prevent non-communicable diseases. Nick is excited to be contributing to these research areas in South-East Asia. In his spare time, he guides eight-year-olds around a soccer pitch whilst volunteering as coach of a children’s soccer team.
- NUS Saw Swee Hock School of Public Health
Research Areas
- Health promotion, physical activity and nutrition, qualitative, epidemiology, inter-disciplinary, research translation
Teaching Areas
- Qualitative Research Methods
- Health Promotion and Disease Prevention
- Physical Activity and Public Health
Academic/Professional Qualifications
- Doctor of Philosophy (Medicine), University of Sydney, 2016
- Master of Public Health, University of Sydney, 2010
- MSc Nutrition and Dietetics, University of Sydney, 2000
- Best Oral Presentation, International Society for Behavioural Nutrition and Physical Activity, Policy and Environment Special Interest Group, 2019
- University of Sydney Postgraduate Award, 2013–2016
Career History
- Assistant Professor (Practice Track), Saw Swee Hock School of Public Health, National University of Singapore, 2021–2022
- Research Fellow, Saw Swee Hock School of Public Health, National University of Singapore, 2017–2021
- Research Affiliate, School of Public Health, University of Sydney, 2017
- Full-Time PhD Candidate, School of Public Health, University of Sydney, 2015–2016
- State Programme Manager, New South Wales Ministry of Health, 2013–2015
- Part-Time PhD Candidate, School of Public Health, University of Sydney, 2011–2015
- Programme Manager, Health Promotion, South Western Sydney and Sydney Local Health District, 2011–2013
- Research Affiliate, School of Public Health, University of Sydney, 2010–2011
- Senior Community Dietitian, Nutrition and Dietetics, Royal North Shore Hospital, Sydney, 2006–2010
- Health Promotion Coordinator, Fairfax Media Ltd., 2004–2006
- Sports Nutrition Fellow, Australian Institute of Sport, 2004
- Clinical Dietitian, Royal North Shore and Blue Mountains Hospitals, 2001–2004
- Private Practicing Dietitian, New South Wales Institute of Sports Medicine, 2001–2004
- Community Development Officer, New South Wales Sport and Recreation, 1998–1999
Professional/Consulting Activities
- Invited course contributor, Inaugural International Course on Physical Activity and Public Health in Singapore, delivered: ‘Overview of Physical Activity and Sedentary Behaviour in Singapore’, International Society for Physical Activity and Health in collaboration with various government agencies and academic institutions in Singapore, 2019
- Project Coordinator, Parks and Health Project, NUS in collaboration with the National Parks Board of Singapore, 2017–present.
- Team member, Physical Activity and Nutrition Determinants in Asia, strategic research programme funded by the Saw Swee Hock School of Public Health, 2017–present.
- Ad-hoc Reviewer: Preventive Medicine, Public Health, International Journal of Behavioural Nutrition and Physical Activity, Journal of Transport & Health
Selected Publications
- Chen B, Waters CN, Compier T, Uijtdewilligen L, Petrunoff NA, Lim YW, et al. Understanding physical activity and sedentary behaviour among preschool-aged children in Singapore: a mixed-methods approach. BMJ Open. 2020;10(4):e030606.
- Müller-Riemenschneider F, Petrunoff N, Yao J, Ng A, Sia A, Ramiah A, et al. Effectiveness of prescribing physical activity in parks to improve health and wellbeing – the park prescription randomized controlled trial. International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity. 2020;17(1):42
- Müller AM, Chen B, Wang NX, Whitton C, Direito A, Petrunoff N, et al. Correlates of sedentary behaviour in Asian adults: A systematic review. Obesity Reviews. 2020.
- Wang NX, Chen J, Wagner N, Rebello SA, Petrunoff N, Owen N, et al. Understanding and Influencing Occupational Sedentary Behavior: A Mixed-Methods Approach in a Multiethnic Asian Population. Health Education & Behavior. 2019:1090198119885431.
- Mueller-Riemenschneider F,Petrunoff N, Sia A, Ramiah A, Ng A, Han J, et al. Prescribing Physical Activity in Parks to Improve Health and Wellbeing: Protocol of the Park Prescription Randomized Controlled Trial. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH AND PUBLIC HEALTH. 2018;15(6).
- Petrunoff N, Crane M, Rissel C. A Case Study Exploring Associations of Quality of Life Measures with Car and Active Transport Commute Modes in Sydney. In: Friman M, Ettema D, Olsson LE, editors. Quality of Life and Daily Travel. 2213-994X. 1. Cham: Springer; 2018. p. 183-98.
- Petrunoff N, Rissel C, Wen LM. “If You Don’t Do Parking Management .. Forget Your Behaviour Change, It’s Not Going to Work.”: Health and Transport Practitioner Perspectives on Workplace Active Travel Promotion. PLoS One. 2017;12(1):e0170064.
- Petrunoff N, Rissel C, Wen LM. The effect of active travel interventions conducted in work settings on driving to work: A systematic review. Journal of Transport & Health. 2016;3(1):61-76.
- Petrunoff N, Wen LM, Rissel C. Effects of a workplace travel plan intervention encouraging active travel to work: outcomes from a three-year time-series study. Public Health. 2016;135(C):38-47.
- Petrunoff N, Rissel C, Wen LM, Martin J. Carrots and sticks vs carrots: Comparing approaches to workplace travel plans using disincentives for driving and incentives for active travel. Journal of Transport & Health. 2015;2(4):563-7
- Rissel C, Petrunoff N, Wen LM, Crane M. Travel to work and self-reported stress: Findings from a workplace survey in south west Sydney, Australia. Journal of Transport & Health. 2014;1(1):50-3.
- Petrunoff NA, Wilkenfeld RL, King LA, Flood VM. ‘Treats’, ‘sometimes foods’, ‘junk’: a qualitative study exploring ‘extra foods’ with parents of young children. Public Health Nutrition. 2014;17(05):979-86.
- Petrunoff NA, Xu H, Rissel C, Wen LM, van der Ploeg HP. Measuring Workplace Travel Behaviour: Validity and Reliability of Survey Questions. Journal of Environmental and Public Health. 2013;2013:1-6.