Associate Professor (Joint)
Tel (65)6511 5031
Email steven_pl_ooi@ncid.sg
Address 16 Jalan Tan Tock Seng, Singapore 308442
OOI Peng Lim Steven
- NUS Saw Swee Hock School of Public Health
- National Centre for Infectious Diseases (Primary)
Research Areas
- Emerging infectious diseases, urban epidemiology, outbreak management
Teaching Areas
- Field epidemiology methods, global health, preventive medicine
Academic/Professional Qualifications
- MSc (Public Health), National University of Singapore
- MPH, John Hopkins University, USA
- FAMS, Academy of Medicine, Singapore
- Valedictory letter from President, Republic of Singapore, for 38 years of public service
- Minister for National Development’s Award – “Development of multi-pronged approach to respond to plankton blooms”
- PS(Health) Living the Values Award; Pingat Bakti Setia (Singapore National Day);
- Health Minister’s Award – “Outstanding contributions in handling fungal corneal outbreak”; James H Nakano Citation, US
- National Center for Infectious Diseases – “Outstanding scientific paper published”;
- Charles C Shepard Certificate, Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry “Demonstrating excellence in science”; Delta Omega-Alpha Chapter- US Public Health Honor Society; Pingat Kepujian
Career History
- Senior Consultant and Head (Training & Education), National Centre for Infectious Diseases
- Deputy Director, Communicable Diseases Division, Ministry of Health
- Senior Asst Commissioner of Public Health, Ministry of the Environment
- Adjunct Associate Professor, Department of Building, NUS School of Design and Environment
- Deputy Director, Institute of Environmental Epidemiology, a WHO Collaborating Centre for Environmental Epidemiology
- WHO Fellow, Johns Hopkins University School of Public Health
Administrative Leadership
- Member, TEPHINET Advisory Board – elected representative of ASEAN+3 and Western Pacific regional countries
- Core Faculty, NUHS Preventive Medicine Residency
- Editor, ENB Quarterly, Singapore Epidemiological News Bulletin
- Steering Committee Member, ASEAN+3 Field Epidemiology Training Network
Professional/Consulting Activities
- Consultant to World Bank Group on the One Health Approach to Pandemic Prevention
- Panelist, Technical Advisory Group to WHO-FAO-WOAH on Competencies for One Health Field Epidemiology
- Member, National Air Quality Index Study Team; Technical Expert Mission on Food Safety and Public Health; and Editorial Board, Journal of Preventive Medicine and Public Health
- WHO Temporary Advisor, Consultation on Surveillance of Foodborne Diseases, Manila, Philippines; PAHO Temporary Advisor, Consultation on Vegetation Fire Events, Lima, Peru
Major Publications
- Arch Intern Med, 2010;170(10):913-5
- Am J Infect Control, 2005;33(5):252-7
- N Engl J Med, 2003;349(25):2416-22
Media Coverage
- Why Singapore will overcome Covid-19 even though outbreak could get worse before it gets better, TODAY Commentary, 25 February 2020
- How Singapore is handling the pandemic, policyforum.net, 23 June 2021