Assistant Professor (Joint)


Dr. Luo Wei is an Assistant Professor at the NUS Geography Department and Joint Assistant Professor at NUS Saw Swee Hock School of Public Health. He works on infectious disease surveillance, transmission, and control including COVID, influenza, dengue, and HIV. His multidisciplinary team brings together researchers from the fields of geography, public health, computational biology, statistics, computer engineering, and environmental sciences. He loves exercise, reading, and traveling.


  • NUS Saw Swee Hock School of Public Health (Joint)
  • NUS Geography Department Faculty of Arts & Social Sciences (Primary)

Research Areas

  • Spatial Epidemiology
  • Infectious Disease Modeling
  • Phylogeography
  • Health Inequality

Teaching Areas

  • Spatial Big Data & Analytics
  • Spatial Programming
  • Geographical Information Science

Academic/Professional Qualifications

  • PhD Geography Department The Pennsylvania State University.
  • Master Geography Department at University at Buffalo


  • Waldo-Tobler Young Researcher Awardsfrom Austrian Academy of Sciences’ Commission of GIScience

Career History

  • 2019-2020: Research Associate, Boston Children’s Hospital and Harvard Medical School

Selected Publications

  • Luo, W., Liu, Z., Zhou, Y., Zhao, Y., Li, Y.E., Masrur, A. and Yu, M., 2022. Investigating Linkages Between Spatiotemporal Patterns of the COVID-19 Delta Variant and Public Health Interventions in Southeast Asia: Prospective Space-Time Scan Statistical Analysis Method. JMIR Public Health and Surveillance8(8), p.e35840.
  • Jusup, M., Holme, P., Kanazawa, K., Takayasu, M., Romic, I., Wang, Z., Gecek, S., Lipic, T., Podobnik, B., Wang, L. and Luo, W., 2021. Social physics. Physics Reports, 948, pp.1-148.
  • Hu, T. †, S. Wang †, Luo W†*, M. Zhang, X. Huang, Y. Yan, R. Liu, K. Ly, V. Kacker, B. She & Z. Li (2021) Revealing public opinion towards COVID-19 vaccines with Twitter Data in the United States: a spatiotemporal perspective. Journal of Medical Internet Research.
  • SJ Lai, N W Ruktanonchai, LC Zhou, O Prosper, Luo W, Jessica R Floyd, Amy Wesolowski, Santillana, M., Chi Zhang, Xiangjun Du, Hongjie Yu, and Andrew J Tatem Effect of non-pharmaceutical interventions for containing the COVID-19 outbreak: an observational and modelling study (2020).
  • Luo W, Gao P, and Cassels S. A Large-Scale Location-based Social Network to Understanding the Impact of Human Geo-Social Interaction Patterns on Vaccination Strategies in an Urbanized Area. (2018). Environment and Urban Systems. 72.
  • Luo W, Katz D, Hamilton D, McKennie J, Jenness S, Goodreau S, Stekler J, Rosenberg E, Sullivan P., and Cassels S. (2018) Development of an Agent-based Model to Investigate the Impact of HIV Self-testing Programs for Men Who Have Sex with Men in Atlanta and Seattle. JMIR Public Health and Surveillance. 2018;4(2):e58.

The full list of publications can be found on Google Scholar here.

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