Charlie Lim Guan Yi

Research Fellow

LIM Guan Yi Charlie

Charlie is trained in both nutrition epidemiology and food science. His work focuses on the prevention and management of chronic diseases through dietary and lifestyle practices. Additionally, he has keen interests in the cultural and attitudinal determinants of food choice and novel biomarkers that can inform about the current state of health.


  • NUS Saw Swee Hock School of Public Health

Research Areas

  • Nutrition epidemiology
  • Determinants of dietary behaviour

Teaching Areas

  • Nutrition
  • Epidemiology

Academic/Professional Qualifications

  • PhD (Public Health), National University of Singapore, 2021
  • BASc (Food Science and Technology, Hons), National University of Singapore, 2017


  • Lee Hin Peng Medal – Best Graduate with the Highest Score for Public Health Research Methods Module, 2021
  • Graduate Student Research Award, Saw Swee Hock School of Public Health, AY2021/2022

Career History

  • Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Saw Swee Hock School of Public Health (2021 to Present)

Administrative Leadership

  • Leader, Research team, Singapore Population Health Studies

Selected Publications

  • Lim CGY, Tai ES, van Dam RM. Replacing dietary carbohydrates and refined grains with different alternatives and risk of cardiovascular diseases in a multi-ethnic Asian population. Am J Clin Nutr. 2022;nqab403.
  • Lim CGY, Whitton C, Rebello SA, van Dam RM. Diet Quality and Lower Refined Grain Consumption are Associated With Less Weight Gain in a Multi-Ethnic Asian Adult Population. J Nutr. 2021;nxab110.
  • Lim CGY, van Dam RM. Attitudes and beliefs regarding food in a multi-ethnic Asian population and their association with socio-demographic variables and healthy eating intentions. Appetite. 2020;144:104461.
  • Lim CGY, Ting R, van Dam RM, Yang D, Liu MH, Tai ES, Rebello SA. Making novel staple foods the norm: perspectives from adult consumers with and without diabetes. Appetite. 2021;162:105189.
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