Visiting Fellow


Ruth is a Visiting Fellow at the Saw Swee Hock School of Public Health. She provides policy research and drafting support to public health topics within Singapore and across the region.


  • NUS Saw Swee Hock School of Public Health

Research Areas

  • Health Systems
  • Health Policy

Academic/Professional Qualifications

  • Bachelor of Science (Hons) Biological Sciences. 1st Class, University of Exeter (2000)
  • Master of Science, Health Care Management, University of Birmingham (2003)

Career History

  • Visiting Fellow, Saw Swee Hock School of Public Health, National University of Singapore (2018 to present)
  • Freelance Researcher (2007 – 2018) Working with: the National Health Service; Department of Health; Prime Minister’s Delivery Unit; The King’s Fund; Nuffield Trust; Public Health England; Clinical Commissioners; Royal College of Physicians; Health Education England; Francis Enquiry; and the European Investment Bank.
  • Consultant, PA Consulting Group (2005 – 2007)
  • Policy Officer, NHS Confederation (2004 – 2005)
  • NHS Management Training Scheme (2002 – 2003)

Media Coverage

Covid-19: The response in Singapore, Nuffield Trust, 9 March 2020

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