CHOW Angela
- NUS Saw Swee Hock School of Public Health (Adjunct)
- Head & Senior Consultant at the Department of Clinical Epidemiology, Institute of Infectious Disease & Epidemiology at Tan Tock Seng Hospital (Primary)
Research Areas
- Infectious disease epidemiology (in particular, influenza, chikungunya fever, dengue fever)
- Healthcare epidemiology (in particular, multidrug resistant organisms, infection prevention practices)
- Public health surveillance
Teaching Areas
- Epidemiology
- Prevention and Control of Communicable Diseases
Academic/Professional Qualifications
- MMed (Public Health)
- Grad Dip (Family Medicine)
- MS (Epidemiology)
- Delta Omega Best Poster, 141st American Public Health Association Annual Meeting, 2013
- UK Foreign and Commonwealth Office’s inaugural Collaboration Development Awards in Translating Public Health Research into Practice, 2012
Career History
- Deputy Director, Communicable Diseases Division, Ministry of Health Singapore, 2003-2007
- Asst Director, Health Services Development Division, Ministry of Health Singapore, 2001-2003
- Asst Director, Epidemiology & Disease Control Div, Ministry of Health Singapore, 2000-2001
Professional/Consulting Activities
- Focal Point, WHO Global Outbreak Alert and Response Network
- Assistant Editor, BMC Infectious Diseases
- Reviewer, British Medical Journal
- Reviewer, Influenza Research and Treatment
- Reviewer, Annals Academy of Medicine Singapore
- Reviewer, Singapore Medical Journal
Major Publications
- Kelesidis T, Chow A Proximity to animal or crop operations may be associated with de novo daptomycin-non-susceptible Enterococcus infection..Epidemiol Infect. 2013 Apr 15:1-4. [Epub ahead of print]
- Chow A, Arah OA, Chan SP, Poh BF, Krishnan P, Ng WK, Choudhury S, Chan J, Ang B. Alcohol handrubbing and chlorhexidine handwashing protocols for routine hospital practice: A randomized clinical trial of protocol efficacy and time effectiveness. Am J Infect Control. 2012 Feb 10. [Epub ahead of print]
- Chow A, Win MK, Wong CS, Leo YS. Universal Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) Screening: Comparison of Anatomic Screening Sites for Patients with High and Low Prevalence of MRSA Carriage. Infect Control Hosp Epidemiol. 2012 Mar;33(3):315-7.