Shaping the Future: Advancing Leadership Pedagogy for a Stronger Public Health Impact


6 March 2025, Thursday


3pm – 4pm [Singapore [GMT +8]


Seminar Room 2, Level 8
Tahir Foundation Building (MD1)
National University of Singapore
12 Science Drive 2, Singapore 117549


Methods: A comprehensive literature review spanning from 2012 to 2022 informed the development of an interview guide. Forty-eight experienced public health leaders including thirty-five alumni from a prominent public health school in the United States and thirteen local/global health established leaders were selected through snowball sampling and agreed to provide insights through interviews. Thematic analysis of interview transcripts using NVivo software revealed multifaceted aspects of public health leadership, emphasizing collaboration, communication, and experiential learning.

Results: Participants described leadership in public health as the ability to influence change in population health while nurturing the development of future professionals. They highlighted the importance of self-reflection and personal experiences in shaping their leadership styles, illustrating how the principles of public health extend beyond professional realms into daily life. Key qualities of effective leadership included active listening, valuing diverse perspectives, and providing mentorship. Participants emphasized the transformative role of mentorship and professional development experiences, particularly within Master of Public Health (MPH) programs, in shaping their leadership practices. Looking forward, participants identified several areas for improvement in leadership training, including interdisciplinary collaboration, community-centered strategies, and proficiency in grant writing and management. They also stressed the importance of embracing technological advancements, such as Artificial Intelligence (AI), in public health practices.



Dr Marie Lina Excellent
Assistant Professor, Gillings School of Global Public Health University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

Dr Marie Lina Excellent is a physician, public health professional and Fulbright alumna. Dr Excellent holds the position of Assistant Professor and Global Health concentration Co-Lead in the Department of Public Health Leadership and Practice (PHLP) at the University of North Carolina (UNC) at Chapel Hill – Gillings School of Global Public Health. Dr Excellent has over 15 years of extensive experience. Her most recent course is about “Applying Diversity, Equity, Inclusion (DEI) And Leadership in Public Health Practice”. Her research focuses on HIV/AIDS, Continuous Quality Improvement, Mental Health/Well-being and Community engagement with cultural humility. Currently, Dr Excellent serves on the Center for Faculty Excellence (CFE) Advisory Board, the Office of Interprofessional Education and Practice (IPEP) Advisory Board as well as on the UNC-Gillings Faculty Advisory Council (FAC). Dr Excellent’s philosophy can be summarized as: Learn to Better Serve Others in Need with Compassion and Humility!

[CME, CPE, and CDE points may be awarded, pending SMC’s and SPC’s approval respectively. Please provide your MCR, DCR, or PRN number during registration]