Protecing children from second-hand tobacco smoke- successes, challenges, and future priorities
Fri, 17 Jan 2025
10 am-11 am[Singapore [GMT +8]
Seminar Room 2, Level 8
Tahir Foundation Building (MD1)
National University of Singapore
12 Science Drive 2, Singapore 117549
You are cordially invited to the ON-SITE SPH Staff Research Round.
We look forward to your attendance and we hope for an interesting discussion.
Do hang around after the talk as coffee and tea will be provided.
Many children are still exposed to secondhand tobacco smoke (SHS) at home. In this talk, Dr Rachel O’Donnell will describe her research on measuring SHS in the home, providing personalised feedback on indoor air quality to promote smokefree homes, and the development of interventions in Scotland, Malaysia and Indonesia. She will also describe the introduction of national targets in Scotland and the ‘Take it Right Outside’ media campaign which led to a 50% reduction in children exposed to SHS in home. Given Scotland’s aim for a smoke-free generation by 2034, Rachel will introduce novel approaches such as using nicotine replacement therapy indoors, and the transferability of this approach to reduce SHS exposure in multiunit housing.

Dr Rachel O’Donnell
Senior Research Fellow, Institute for Social Marketing and Health, University of Stirling, Scotland
Dr Rachel O’Donnell is a Senior Research Fellow at the Institute for Social Marketing and Health at the University of Stirling, Scotland. Rachel has over 15 years’ expertise in conducting qualitative research. Her primary area of research interest is the design, delivery and evaluation of interventions to support families to create a smoke-free home. She currently leads a Scottish Government Chief Scientist Office funded pilot randomised controlled trial exploring the use of nicotine replacement therapy to create smoke-free homes. She has led and worked on a number of other smoke-free home intervention studies, in Scotland, with colleagues in Europe, and in Indonesia and Malaysia. Rachel also leads the Smoke-free Homes International Network (SHINE) – an initiative aimed to foster multidisciplinary collaborations on future smoke-free homes research, policy and practice internationally. She also has expertise in migrant health, alcohol policy, and patient and public involvement.
[CME, CPE, and CDE points may be awarded, pending SMC’s and SPC’s approval respectively. Please provide your MCR, DCR, or PRN number during registration]