Healthcare Executive in Asia Leaders (HEAL) Programme

Commercial Determinants of Health

This webinar has ended. Watch the recording of the session here.


Wednesday, 19 May 2021


2.00pm – 3.30pm (Singapore Time)


While attention has been focused on the social determinants and political economy of health, much less effort has been exerted in understanding the role of business and the economy in shaping the health of the population.

This webinar will build on emerging work on this topic and describe the situation in Asia, focusing on safeguards and efforts to balance the tensions between sectors.


Dr Jenn Lacy-Nichols
Research Fellow
Centre for Health Policy, Melbourne School of Population and Global Health, The University of Melbourne

Assoc Prof Renzo Guinto
Associate Professor of Global Public Health
Inaugural Director, Planetary and Global Health Program
St Luke’s Medical Center College of Medicine

Mr Yee Ping Yi
Deputy Secretary (Planning)
Ministry of Finance, Singapore

Moderated by:

Jason Yap

Assoc Prof Jason Yap
Vice Dean, Practice
Director, Public Health Translation
NUS Saw Swee Hock School of Public Health

Organised by:

NUS Saw Swee Hock School of Public Health

In partnership with:

Supported by:

Temasek foundation logo

This webinar is part of the Healthcare Executive in Asia Leaders (HEAL) Programme:

Webinar 1 – Precision Public Health: Transforming Health with Data

Webinar 2 Food for Health through the Life Course

Webinar 3 Health-Promoting Cities

Webinar 4 Commercial Determinants of Health