Antibiotic Resistance Competition 2019

Antibiotic Resistance Competition

The Antibiotic Resistance Competition 2019 is jointly organised by the NUS Saw Swee Hock School of Public Health, Ngee Ann Polytechnic, Singapore General Hospital and Singapore Centre for Environmental Life Sciences Engineering.

For this year’s ‘essay contest’, students can choose any format or approach as they wish (e.g., fiction, scientific communication with references, etc.) as long as it is in prose and the theme of the contest is met. The two themes for this year’s competition are:

  1. Farm to Fork: Antibiotic Resistance in Agriculture (Click here for more info)
  2. The Human Microbiome (Click here for more info)

Submissions are open from 1 June to 31 August 2019.

Prizes will be presented during World Antibiotic Awareness Week in November 2019.

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