Curriculum – Second Major in Public Health

Students admitted to NUS from AY2019/2020 onwards

The list of requirements for the Second Major in Public Health for students admitted from AY2024/2025 onwards is available here.

The list of requirements for the Second Major in Public Health for students admitted from AY2019/2020 to AY2023/2024 is available here.

At least 40 units are required, of which:

  1. Up to 16 units may be used to meet the Second Major requirements and another requirement, e.g., College, Faculty, Major, Second Major, Minor, Specialisation or other requirement.
  2. At least 12 units must be at Level-3000.
  3. At least 60% of the Second Major requirements must be earned from courses read in NUS. These would consist of graded courses with assigned grade points, or courses with ‘S’ or ‘CS’ grade.
  4. The other 40% of units may be earned through credit transfers, advanced placement and exemptions, provided these MCs are earned from courses deemed relevant to the Second Major in Public Health programme.

Students admitted to NUS prior to AY2019/2020

The list of requirements for the Second Major in Public Health for students admitted prior to AY2019/2020 is available here.

At least 48 units are required, of which:

  1. Up to 16 units may be used to meet the requirements for both the Second Major and the Faculty / Major / Minor requirements. For counting towards a Minor, only a maximum of 8 units are allowed.
  2. At least 16 units must be at Level-3000.
  3. At least 60% of the Second Major requirements must be earned from courses read in NUS. These would consist of graded courses with assigned grade points, or courses with ‘S’ or ‘CS’ grade.
  4. The other 40% of units may be earned through credit transfers, advanced placement and exemptions, provided these MCs are earned from courses deemed relevant to the Second Major in Public Health programme.