
One Health and Outbreak Surveillance Symposium group photo

One Health and Outbreak Surveillance Symposium 2018

One Health is an emerging platform that emphasises the interconnectedness of the health of people, animals and our shared environment. The One Health approach encourages disparate professionals across sectors to collaborate and tackle emerging infectious diseases through research, biosurveillance, detection and containment. Held on 13 July at NUS University Town, the One Health and Outbreak Surveillance Symposium brought together many local and international experts to share about their experiences and valuable learning points in implementing One Health projects in Singapore and the region. Invited speakers include a veterinarian, medical officer,Read more

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Our environment influences our diet and activity more than we think

Professor Teo Yik Ying, Dean, wrote that our personal choices are often the results of carefully studied, researched and engineered campaigns by people who design the living environment around us. Besides the food environment that encourages excessive consumption of nutrient-poor and high-caloric food, modern architectural and urban planning designs have resulted in a physical environment that promotes accessibility and convenience, which in turn has reduced incidental physical activity. Prof Teo shared that it is time that multidisciplinary experts such as social scientists and architects are properly recognised and reminded of

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fireworks in singapore

Congratulations to Prof Chia Kee Seng, Public Administration Medal (Silver) Awardee

Our heartiest congratulations to Professor Chia Kee Seng who has been conferred the Public Administration Medal (Silver) at this year’s National Day Awards in recognition of his exemplary contributions to public health, the School’s and Singapore’s success! The National Day Awards are given out every year to recognise individuals for their contributions to Singapore. Nearly 4,000 people were honoured this year, including civil servants, members of SAF, community and grassroots leaders, and educators. Under his leadership as the former founding dean, the School has transitioned successfully from an academic department

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Stepping up measures to protect children from influenza

While the spread of influenza via droplets is well-known, findings from a recent study by the Ministry of Health (MOH) have cast the spotlight on a less common transmission route. Studies have found that influenza viruses remain viable on hard, non-porous surfaces like metal, wood and plastic for 24 to 48 hours, which can theoretically cause infections if picked up from such surfaces and transferred to the mouth or nose, said Associate Professor Hsu Li Yang, Head of the School’s Infectious Disease Programme. It is important that schools and childcare centres

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Diabetes is more than just a health issue

The issue of diabetes has become one of the most pressing healthcare concerns in our modern society, but it cannot be viewed solely from a medical and public health perspective, commented Professor Teo Yik Ying, Dean. More than just a personal health problem, diabetes is closely linked to other factors such as economics, urban planning, societal culture, financial status, dietary habits and marketing tactics from the food industry. Prof Teo added that there is a correlation between diabetes and more developed countries, where there are usually extensive transport infrastructures in place

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Congratulations, Class of 2018!

Last Saturday was a momentous day for the SSHSPH Class of 2018 as they crossed a significant milestone at the SSHSPH Commencement Ceremony on 14 July. Held at the University Cultural Centre, 47 Master of Public Health (MPH), Master of Science (MSc) and Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) graduates received their degrees from Presiding Officer Mr Chan Sek Keong, NUS Pro-Chancellor. The ceremony was jointly hosted by the Faculty of Dentistry with participation from the School of Design and Environment. Guest of Honour, Mr Chan Heng Kee, Permanent Secretary, Ministry of

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NUS-NUHS-MIT Healthcare AI Datathon and Expo

Smart tools and new technology to aid healthcare processes were showcased at the NUS-NUHS-MIT Healthcare AI Datathon and Expo held on 3–8 July. Jointly organised by the School, NUHS, AI Singapore and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, the event saw tech experts and healthcare professionals come together to develop artificial intelligence (AI) and smart tools to address challenges in the healthcare sector. During the Expo, Dr Ngiam Kee Yuan, NUHS group chief technology officer, and Assistant Professor Feng Mengling introduced NUHS’ own AI system: Discovery AI. Using hospital data, the system

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MOH seeks measures to curb spread of infectious diseases

The Ministry of Health (MOH) wants more powers to curb the spread of infectious diseases here, including stopping individuals who break quarantine from leaving the country, turning back visitors with a high risk of yellow fever without first offering vaccination, and carrying out surveillance remotely to track cases and carriers of infectious diseases or their contacts. Associate Professor Alex Cook, Vice Dean (Research), shared how modern surveillance would allow more potential contacts to be screened as compared to a traditional in-person examination. Media coverage: MOH seeks measures to curb spread

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Don’t be fooled by food labels

Some experts say that it is easy for consumers to fall into the trap of believing that a processed food item is better for you than it actually is, especially when it is marketed as a healthier option. Assistant Professor Mary Chong shares her comments on the use of marketing buzzwords that may lead consumers to over-infer the nutritional value of an item. Media coverage: How buyers can be duped by food labels, The Straits Times, 26 June 2018

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Ban on e-cigarettes is an act of prudence

In response to an opinion editorial titled ‘Why a ban on e-cigarettes may not be the best policy’, Professor Teo Yik Ying, Dean, wrote that the ban on the sale, import, use and possession of e-cigarettes is a responsible, calibrated and prudent approach in formulating public health policies, considering what we currently know and do not know about e-cigarettes. Citing Dengvaxia as an example, Prof Teo cautioned against embracing healthcare innovations indiscriminately, especially in situations where the benefits and costs are unclear. However, he also shared that policymakers should be open-minded

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