October 2022

Commentary: Teen vaping too big a collateral damage to accept for a relatively ineffective smoking cessation aid

Youths seem to believe vaping is harmless. However, the stark reality is far from the truth. Although vaping is banned in Singapore, the sight of youngsters vaping in public is getting increasingly common, especially with borders reopening after the pandemic. Vaping can result in e-cigarette or vaping-associated lung injury (EVALI), a severe medical condition with pneumonia-like symptoms linked to certain chemicals in e-liquids. Hear from Assistant Professor Yvette van der Eijk from the NUS Saw Swee Hock School of Public Health as she weighs in on the safety and effectivenessRead more

Commentary: Teen vaping too big a collateral damage to accept for a relatively ineffective smoking cessation aid Read More »

Women in Global Health: Global Health in Conflict and Crisis Webinar

On October 4th, the Leadership Insititute for Global Health Transformation (LIGHT) at the NUS Saw Swee Hock School of Public Health hosted the esteemed Dr. Joanne Liu (former International President of Médecins Sans Frontières) for a webinar entitled ‘Global Health in Conflict and Crisis’. The webinar was part of a broader series on ‘Women in Global Health’, jointly organised with University of Malaya’s Department of Social and Preventive Medicine. Natasha Howard, Associate Professor at the Saw Swee Hock School of Public Health, was the moderator for the event. The webinar

Women in Global Health: Global Health in Conflict and Crisis Webinar Read More »

Congratulations to the Winners of the SSHSPH Graduate Student Teaching Award AY2021/2022!

The SSHSPH Graduate Student Teaching Award was established by the School to recognize the contributions of our graduate students as Teaching Assistants (TA) in the school’s education programmes. Awardees are selected based on the feedback gathered from the students and module coordinator. All SSHSPH graduate students who have completed TA duties during the period of review will be considered for the award. Awardees will receive a certificate of achievement and a cash prize of S$100. We are pleased to announce the following students have been selected for the SSHSPH Graduate

Congratulations to the Winners of the SSHSPH Graduate Student Teaching Award AY2021/2022! Read More »

SSHSPH 11th Anniversary Celebration

2022 marks the 11th anniversary of the NUS Saw Swee Hock School of Public Health. Since its inception in October 2011 as Singapore’s first national public health tertiary education institution, the School has gained recognition for its expertise in and commitment to research and training in public health disciplines. Faculty, staff, and students came together on 20 October to celebrate this joyous occasion. The celebrations kicked off to a rousing start with a warm opening address by Dean, Prof Teo Yik Ying. Prof Teo was delighted to see everyone back

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School Visit by Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM)

A delegation of 13 academic staff and undergraduate students from the Department of Environmental and Occupational Health, Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM) visited the School on 18 October 2022. The purpose of the visit was to learn more about the environmental and occupational health programmes provided by the School and their contribution to the well-being of Singaporeans. The delegation was warmly welcomed by Associate Professor Ng Wee Tong, Director of Continuing Education and Training (CET). He gave an insightful sharing on occupational health and had

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Join us for Hepatitis C Virus Elimination Symposium: Strategies to Eliminate Hepatitis C as a Public Health Concern in Asia Pacific by 2030

About Gilead Sciences, Inc. Gilead Sciences, Inc. is a biopharmaceutical company that has pursued and achieved breakthroughs in medicine for more than three decades, with the goal of creating a healthier world for all people. The company is committed to advancing innovative medicines to prevent and treat life-threatening diseases, including HIV, viral hepatitis and cancer. Gilead operates in more than 35 countries worldwide, with headquarters in Foster City, California.

Join us for Hepatitis C Virus Elimination Symposium: Strategies to Eliminate Hepatitis C as a Public Health Concern in Asia Pacific by 2030 Read More »

Public Health Thought Leadership Dialogue: Creating a Smokefree Future

The 11th instalment of the Public Health Thought Leadership Dialogue was held on 11 October 2022 featuring distinguished speaker, The Honourable Dr Ayesha Verrall, Minister for COVID-19; Research, Science and Innovation; Seniors and Associate Minister for Health, New Zealand. The tobacco epidemic is one of the biggest public health threats the world has ever faced, killing more than 8 million people a year. In view of this, the theme for the dialogue was chosen as “Creating a Smokefree Future” as thought leaders from both local and international community come together

Public Health Thought Leadership Dialogue: Creating a Smokefree Future Read More »