Graduands, alumni, faculty, and currents students convened on 15th July for an exciting evening of celebration and reunion at the SSHSPH AlumNite 2022 held at the Suntec Singapore Convention & Exhibition Centre.
This special occasion, themed “Together Once Again!”, is exceptionally meaningful as it represents a long overdue reunion for the SSHSPH family after a two-year hiatus due to the pandemic. Our graduands were able to celebrate a key milestone in their public health journey surrounded by friends and family.
Dean, Professor Teo Yik Ying, addressed the graduands, congratulating them for completing their studies and obtaining remarkable results, and also wishing them the very best as they seek new vistas in the field of public health. He also expressed his gratitude and appreciation for all alumni and school staff who had worked tirelessly behind the scenes in Singapore’s collective fight against Covid-19 over the past two years.
Mr Chew Ming Fai, alumnus of Master of Public Health (Class of 2019), too shared his SSHSPH education and career journey. He particularly reflected on his experience, as Deputy Chief Executive Officer and Director-General of Public Health at the National Environmental Agency, leading the agency and other stakeholders in tackling the various back-to-back public health challenges such as the COVID-19 pandemic and dengue outbreaks in 2020 and 2022. He also shared insights on how the MPH programme helped him in his efforts and aided him in his role as a steward of the environment.
The School also recognised the outstanding academic achievements of our students, as well as the dedication of our student representatives. Dean and Vice-Dean of Education, Associate Prof Liow Chee Hsiang, awarded the prize recipients of the Dean’s List for the Master of Public Health programme, Graduate Student Research Award, Tye Cho Yook Gold Medal, Dean’s Medal & Prize, Lee Hin Peng Medal, Richard Gillis Prize, Occupational and Environmental Health Society Medal, Lady Yuen-Peng McNeice Health Promotion Medal and Prize, and the NUSS Medal for Outstanding Achievement.
It was a jovial evening filled with hearty conversations and laughter as the guests helped themselves to a sumptuous buffet, took creative photos at the photo booth, and had their caricatures made into key holders.
See more highlights from the SSHSPH AlumNite 2022 here.
Whether you’re an alumnus who only graduated last year or more than 30 years ago, you’re a valued and integral part of the School and the public health fraternity. No matter where you are in the world, you can stay connected with the SSHSPH Alumni community through Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn.
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