March 26, 2020

Woman using her mobile phone in front of a laptop

COVID-19: How governments can tackle the ‘infodemic’

When pandemics like COVID-19 strike, authorities and governments are often fighting on two fronts. The first: understanding the virus, researching a cure and isolating infected populations. The second is the avalanche of fake news, rumours and lies posted by thousands across the internet – the accompanying ‘infodemic’. According to cybersecurity multinational Check Point, coronavirus-themed domains are 50 per cent more likely to be malicious than other domains. Experts suggest that while there is little evidence of mass-coordinated fake news campaigns, the biggest contributor to the infodemic is speculation and onlineRead more

COVID-19: How governments can tackle the ‘infodemic’ Read More »

A woman walking down a street with an umbrella in hand

Current COVID-19 measures not akin to lockdown

Tighter measures to curb the spread of COVID-19 in Singapore were introduced this past week. These include shutting our borders to tourists and short-term visitors, banning large gatherings, and ordering pubs and entertainment outlets to close from tonight (26 March) 11.59pm until 30 April. This has left some people wondering if the country is in a ‘partial lockdown’. While there is no universal definition of a lockdown, in most countries it is a protocol triggered by an emergency that restricts the movement of people, vehicles and goods, and where citizens

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