Milken Institute conference call series: Singapore’s approach to COVID-19

Associate Professor Jeremy Lim, Co-Director of Global Health was invited by Milken Institute to be part of their COVID-19 Conference Call Series discussing global efforts and approaches in combatting the coronavirus pandemic.

Assoc Prof Lim shared and attributed Singapore’s relatively well-controlled outbreak to the following points:

  1. Timely formation of multi-ministry task force,
  2. Transparency which earned citizens’ trust in government,
  3. Public education on measures to prevent spread.

The session was moderated by Mr Michael Milken, Chairman of Milken Institute, and Ms Katie O’Reilly, Executive Director of Business and Program Development at Milken Institute.

The other experts on the panel were Ms Esther Krofar, Executive Director of FasterCures; Dr Mark McClellan, Director and Robert J. Margolis M.D. Professor of Business, Medicine, and Policy, Fuqua School of Business at Duke University; and Dr Jonathan Simons, Chief Executive Officer, Prostate Cancer Foundation.

Listen to the session here:

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