Image from Workplace Safety and Health Council

The road to Workplace Safety and Health excellence by 2028

Singapore aims to become one of the top countries with the safest and healthiest workplaces by 2028.

Workplace fatal injury rates here have fallen from 4.9 per 100,000 in 2004 to 1.2 in 2017 and 2018, the lowest ever recorded. The target now is to reduce this further to below 1.0 per 100,000 workers by 2028, a safety level that has been achieved by only four OECD countries on a sustained basis (United Kingdom, Germany, the Netherlands and Sweden).

Earlier this month, the Ministry of Manpower announced its strategies for Workplace Safety and Health (WSH) 2028, based on recommendations by the WSH 2028 tripartite strategies committee.

The three-prong approach addresses ownership, workforce health and the impact of the Fourth Industrial Revolution.

Adjunct Assistant Professor Gan Wee Hoe and Founding Dean, Professor Chia Kee Seng, provide a simple break down of the WSH 2028 strategies for improving workplace health and safety in Singapore.

Read their Commentary here:

(Header image from Workplace Safety and Health Council)

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