PM Lee’s strategies to fight the war on diabetes

One in nine Singaporeans has diabetes. Among those aged over 60 years old, three in 10 are diabetic. However, this disease does not just affect the old, and more young Singaporeans are being diagnosed with it as well.

In his National Day Rally speech on 20 August 2017, Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong addressed Singapore’s War on Diabetes. “It is precisely because you are not worried that I am worried,” PM Lee said, “It has become a serious problem.”

He suggested four ways for individuals to play their part in this fight: go for regular health check-ups, exercise more, watch your diet, and cut down on soft drinks.

As a start, the Ministry of Health will offer health check-ups at $5 for Singaporeans above the age of 40, starting in September.

The government is also working with soft drink producers to reduce the sugar content in all their drinks sold here. However, while PM Lee noted that this is one way to help consumers cut down on their sugar intake, eating healthily is ultimately a personal choice and it comes down to making disciplined decisions.

“The best is to drink plain water. Better still,” he added, “drink PUB water.”

Read more about PM Lee’s National Day Rally speech and the war on diabetes:

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