5th ASEAN Diagnostic Criteria for Occupational Diseases

Vice Dean (Academic Affairs) Associate Professor Chia Sin Eng attended the recently concluded  5th ASEAN Diagnostic Criteria for Occupational Diseases (ADCOD) on 5th to 7th June in Ayutthaya, Thailand.  The meeting was attended by several of our School’s alumni including Singapore’s representative, Dr Kenneth Choy, Deputy Director of Department Safety and Health, Ministry of Manpower; Dr Alice Lai, Head of Division of Occupational Health, Ministry of Health, Brunei Darussalam; Professor Than Htut, Occupational Medicine Professor at the University of Public Health in Yangon, Myanmar.

In the opening speech by Dr Theerapol Topanthanont, Director General of Department of Medical Services, he mentioned more can be done in terms of contributions to the ADCOD among the ASEAN nations and the last ADCOD meeting kick-started the ASEAN Network on Occupational Diseases Reporting as well as many other projects.

Dr Adul Bandhukul, President of the Association of Occupational and Environmental Diseases of Thailand, added in his speech, that through the 5th ADCOD meetings, the ADCOD criteria will be adopted and revised into the diagnostic criteria for Occupational Diseases in all of the ASEAN countries hopefully in the near future.

Assoc Prof Chia Sin Eng with Dr Kenneth Choy, Deputy Director of Department Safety and Health, Ministry of Manpower.
Assoc Prof Chia Sin Eng with Dr Alice Lai, Head of Division of Occupational Health, Ministry of Health, Brunei Darussalam.
Assoc Prof Chia Sin Eng with Prof Than Htut, Occupational Medicine, University of Public Health, Yangon Myanmar.
(Fourth left) Dr Wilawan Juengprasert, Former General Director of Department Medical Services, Ministry of Health, Thailand
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