World No Tobacco Day 2017

Recent studies have shown that the Asia Pacific region is home to about 30% of the world’s smokers. Singapore’s numbers remain at about 13.3%.  There is more that can be done to deter the youth from picking up the bad habit of smoking.

In conjunction with World No Tobacco Day today, 31 May 2017, Associate Professor Joanne Yoong expressed her opinions on the issue of smoking among the youth in the society on First Look Asia. She states that the youth who do pick up smoking are most likely doing so due to peer pressure. She also mentioned that countries are implementing measures and policies to de-normalise smoking like raising the legal age, banning the display and increasing the price of tobacco products.

Looking into Asia, Assoc Prof Yoong stated that tobacco producing countries and rapidly developing countries would have a high prevalence in youth smoking. Governments of these countries would have to maintain a sense of vigilance in trying to control the take-up rate in smoking among the youth.


Media Coverage:

  • First Look Asia, 29 May 2017
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