$5 health screening for 1.8 million Singaporeans: Letters out from August

This August, 1.8 million Singaporeans are entitled to a health screening that will cost $5 or less, under the Enhanced Screen for Life programme that will start in September.

Invitation letters will be set to all Singaporeans that are aged 40 years and older. With the letter, the eligible will be able to call on more than 1000 general practice clinics that are on the Community Health Assist Scheme (Chas) to fix a date to screen for diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol levels, cervical and colorectal cancers.

The Health Promotion Board’s (HPB’s) chief executive officer Mr Zee Yoong Kang mentioned that “It is good practice for everyone, even if you feel healthy, to go for regular health screenings so that you can detect any health conditions early, and manage the condition well.”, said: “It is good practice for everyone, even if you feel healthy, to go for regular health screenings so that you can detect any health conditions early, and manage the condition well.”

The Ministry of Health (MOH) hopes that by making it both cheap and convenient, more people would find out if they are suffering from chronic medical problems or the two cancers. There is no time limit for them to get screened at the subsidised rate.

But Professor Chia Kee Seng, Dean of the NUS Saw Swee Hock School of Public Health mentions that it is difficult to predict the take- up rate: “There are many reasons why someone who is eligible does not go for screening. Cost is just one of them… Success is not the number of people who have gone for screening, but rather, the number who have abnormal results and are subsequently under proper management and follow-up”


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