August 2016


How Zika got here could remain a mystery, say experts

How did the Zika virus trigger a recent outbreak in Singapore? Infectious diseases experts say this could be a mystery, as existing tests are unreliable for infections more than two weeks old. “If a compatible mosquito bites someone who has the virus in his or her blood, the mosquito becomes infected. After about a week, the virus can be detected in the mosquito’s saliva, and the mosquito can then infect all the other people that it bites,” explains Associate Professor Hsu Li Yang on the process of transmission. “If these other infectedRead more

How Zika got here could remain a mystery, say experts Read More »

Who is included in ‘inclusive growth’?

The term ‘inclusive growth’ has come under the spotlight, with the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals’ vision of eradicating poverty. But what is meant by the term ‘inclusive growth’ and who does it aim to include? Inclusive growth must include the poor at every stage, from defining the problem to developing the solution, and efforts must be centred on the needs of the poor, appropriate for their circumstances, practical and implementable. Social entrepreneurship offers a new and innovative approach to inclusive growth, tackling poverty and its attendant social and health problems,

Who is included in ‘inclusive growth’? Read More »