Diabetes rates increasing due to obesity amongst under-40s

There are currently around 500,000 diabetics in Singapore in 2015. By 2050, we could see up to 1 million diabetics in Singapore, as a result of not only having an ageing population, but increasing rates of obesity. And obesity has been on the rise among those below 40, says Professor Chia Kee Seng, Dean of the NUS Saw Swee Hock School of Public Health.

To combat obesity rates by encouraging healthy diets and increased physical activity, the Health Promotion Board has introduced campaigns such as the National Steps Challenge, which gathered an estimated 160,000 participants and introducing Healthier Choice food options at dining places.

Media Coverage:

  • Channel 8 News Tonight, 24 March 2016
  • Channel U News Tonight 晚间新闻, 24 March 2016
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