Coffee is undoubtedly one of the world’s most globalised beverages. From Burundi to Colombia, the coffee industry is changing for growers, sellers and consumers all over the world. And coffee culture is fast-growing in India, becoming a drink of choice for the younger aspirational class.
But with a huge increase in coffee consumption around the world, just how much coffee is too much? Associate Professor Rob van Dam from the NUS Saw Swee Hock School of Public Health has conducted several studies on coffee consumption and breaks down the conflicting dietary advice we often hear surrounding coffee consumption.
He lets on that drinking unfiltered coffee in high amounts can lead to an increase in cholesterol levels due to a cholesterol-increasing component which enters in the bloodstream. Regarding the myth of not drinking coffee 3 to 4 hours before bedtime, he also explains that due to the different rates of coffee metabolism in individuals, some people can consume caffeineted beverages before bedtime without affecting their sleep patterns.
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