Senior Lecturer

Tel (65) 6601 5425

LIM Boon Tar Raymond


  • NUS Saw Swee Hock School of Public Health (Primary)
  • NUS Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine (Joint)

Research Areas

  • Behavioural science, health promotion, health education and communication
  • Evaluation of public health programmes, mixed methods research, qualitative research
  • STI/ HIV prevention and control, prediabetes, diabetes
  • Workplace health promotion

Teaching Areas

  • Lifestyle behaviour, health promotion, public health communication
  • General epidemiology, occupational and environmental health

Academic/Professional Qualifications

  • Fellow, Academy of Medicine Singapore (2024)
  • PhD (2018), National University of Singapore
  • Dip (Occupational Medicine) (2013), National University of Singapore
  • Dip (Family Medicine) (2013), National University of Singapore
  • MPH (2013), National University of Singapore
  • M.B.B.S (2009), National University of Singapore


  • Merit Award, Short Communications Presentation, Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference, 2023
  • Merit award in the category of Academic Leadership and/or Accomplishment, JCI Singapore TOYP 2021
  • Teaching Excellence Award for AY 2017/2018, Saw Swee Hock School of Public Health, NUS (2019)
  • Long Service Award for 5 years of service to the National University of Singapore (2019)
  • Wang Gungwu Medal and Prize for the best PhD thesis in the Social Sciences/Humanities, National University of Singapore (2018)
  • Best graduate research student award (Health Systems & Behavioural Sciences), Saw Swee Hock School of Public Health, NUS (2018)
  • Best prize in oral and second prize in poster presentation (Resident category) at the 9th Public Health & Occupational Medicine Conference (2014)
  • Ministry of Health Master of Public Health Scholarship (2011)

Career History

  • Senior Resident, Preventive Medicine Residency, National University Health System (2013-2015)
  • Junior Resident, Preventive Medicine Residency, National University Health System (2011-2013)
  • Medical Officer, Ministry of Health Holdings (2010-2011)
  • House Officer, Ministry of Health Holdings (2009-2010)

Administrative Leadership

  • Programme Director, Preventive Medicine Residency, National University Health System (2023 – Current)
  • Director of Pedagogy Research, Education Office, Saw Swee Hock School of Public Health, NUS (2020 – Current)
  • Programme Director for the Second Major and Minor in Public Health Programmes, Saw Swee Hock School of Public Health, National University of Singapore (2018 – Current)
  • Director of Student Life, Saw Swee Hock School of Public Health, National University of Singapore (2018 – 2023)
  • Postgraduate Student Representative, Saw Swee Hock School of Public Health, National University of Singapore (2016 – 2017)
  • Chief Resident, Preventive Medicine Residency, National University Health System (2014 – 2015)

Selected Publications

  • Lim RBT, Cheung ONY, Tham DKT, La HH, Win TT, Chan R, Wong ML. Using qualitative and community-based engagement approaches to gain access and to develop a culturally appropriate STI prevention intervention for foreign female entertainment workers in Singapore. Global Health. 2018 Apr 16;14(1):36.
  • Lim RBT, Tham DKT, Tai BC, Adaikan PG, Wong ML. Efficacy of Human Immunodeficiency Virus/Sexually Transmitted Infection Trial on Condom Use Among Heterosexual Men Patronizing Entertainment Establishments Who Engaged in Casual or Paid Sex in Singapore. Sex Transm Dis. 2017 Sep;44(9):539-546.
  • Lim RB, Chen C, Naidoo N, Gay G, Tang WE, Seah D, Chen R, Tan NC, Lee J, Tai ES, Chia KS, Lim WY. Anthropometrics indices of obesity, and all-cause and cardiovascular disease-related mortality, in an Asian cohort with type 2 diabetes mellitus. Diabetes Metab. 2015 Sep;41(4):291-300.
  • Lim RB, Ma S, Fong CW, Chua L, Chia KS, Heng D, Lim WY. How healthy is the Singaporean worker? Results from the Singapore national health survey 2010. J Occup Environ Med. 2014 May;56(5):498-509.

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