
Academic & Teaching Positions

The Saw Swee Hock School of Public Health (SSHSPH), National University of Singapore (NUS), is inviting applications for full-time Assistant Professor/Associate Professor/Professor appointments on the tenure/research/practice track. For tenure-track appointments, appointees are given fixed contracts for up to 7 years, with the goal of obtaining tenured appointments at the end of this period. In addition to an attractive salary and benefits package, new faculty members may be eligible for a start-up grant to initiate their independent stream of research and subsidised university accommodation.

Researchers and professionals experienced in one or more of the following areas are particularly encouraged to apply:

  • Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Data Analytics
  • Biostatistics
  • Epidemiology and Modelling
  • Health Economics
  • Health Security
  • Health Systems and Policy
  • Health Technology Assessment (HTA)
  • Healthcare Financing
  • Health Promotion and Behavioural Sciences
  • Implementation Science
  • Program Evaluation
  • Occupational Health
  • Public Health of Ageing

Job Description


  • Establishing and leading an independent research agenda through securing extramural funding.
  • Developing and participating in collaborative, multidisciplinary research initiatives.
  • Designing and teaching undergraduate and graduate courses in public health.
  • Supervising and advising postgraduate students.
  • Contributing to policy and community development efforts in the field of public health.

Areas of Focus

  • Development and optimisation of AI, machine learning methods, and data analytics to enhance the quality of care and population health management solutions.
  • Creating AI-driven tools for disease prediction, prevention, and management to improve early detection and intervention strategies.
  • Leveraging AI to enhance public health surveillance and response systems, enabling more effective monitoring and management of public health issues.
  • Promoting the systemic uptake of research findings to advance positive outcomes in clinical, organisational, or policy contexts.
  • Candidates with experience in AI research involving representation learning, causality in machine learning, and continual learning are preferred.
  • Conducting methodological research in areas across public health and healthcare analytics.
  • Developing and applying innovative statistical methods and computational tools to address the emerging needs of modern health data science, such as mining of large epidemiological and omics datasets, utilisation of cutting-edge artificial intelligence methods for healthcare data, and clinical trial design and analysis.
  • Candidates with experience in applying statistical methods to areas such as cancer research, epidemiological studies, health promotion, physical activity, nutrition, and primary care are preferred.
  • Investigating the distribution and determinants of non-communicable and infectious diseases in populations and applying epidemiological methods to understand disease patterns and identify risk factors.
  • Developing and applying mathematical models to predict disease trends and evaluate the potential impact of interventions, supporting the formulation of effective public health strategies and policies.
  • Simulating disease transmission dynamics and intervention scenarios to assess the potential impacts of public health interventions, enhancing preparedness and response strategies for disease outbreaks.
  • Engaging with SSHSPH’s large-scale cohort studies, such as the Singapore Chinese Health Study (SCHS) and the Singapore Multi-Ethnic Cohort (MEC) Study, to contribute to the development and utilisation of these cohort studies and to conduct translational epidemiological research that informs the development of effective public health interventions.
  • Assessing the economic impact of public health interventions and health technologies to provide evidence-based guidance for policy decisions.
  • Conducting comparative effectiveness analyses through systematic reviews, meta-analyses, and real-world evidence analysis to determine the economic viability and impact of public health programmes and policies, and to identify the most cost-effective public health interventions.
  • Developing and applying economic theories and models to support efficient and equitable healthcare resource allocation and priority setting, optimising healthcare delivery and improving health outcomes.
  • Conducting high-impact research in health security, focusing on infectious disease control, pandemic preparedness, bioterrorism, and other health threats.
  • Developing and leading collaborative projects that advance regional and international health security with academic institutions, government agencies, and international organisations.
  • Contributing to the development of curricula and academic programmes in health security.
  • Teaching undergraduate and graduate courses related to health security, public health, and global health.
  • Engaging in community outreach and contributing to health security policy development at regional and international levels.
  • Evaluating the effectiveness of policies designed to address public health challenges at local, national, and international levels, using rigorous research methods to determine their impact and outcomes.
  • Analysing and developing strategies to enhance healthcare delivery, patient-centred care, and integration of services across different levels of the health system.
  • Conducting comparative research on health systems to identify best practices from various healthcare delivery models and to optimise health systems to meet evolving population health needs.
  • Investigating the social determinants of health, health inequalities, and barriers to accessing healthcare services among diverse population groups.
  • Developing strategies to reduce disparities and improve health equity through policy interventions and health system reforms.
  • Conducting research to evaluate the clinical effectiveness, safety profiles, and cost-effectiveness of new and existing health technologies in real-world settings.
  • Developing and applying economic models and decision analysis tools to assess the impact of health technologies on public health outcomes, costs, and quality of life.
  • Providing evidence-based recommendations to key stakeholders, including policymakers, NGOs, and industry, to advocate for the adoption and implementation of effective health technologies that maximise public health outcomes.
  • Buidling HTA capacity and developing HTA frameworks and guidelines that ensure the efficient allocation of resources by healthcare institutions and regulatory authorities, leading to sustainable health systems at domestic and international levels.
  • Conducting research on the effectiveness of different healthcare financing models and systems, health insurance schemes, and financial protection mechanisms.
  • Performing economic evaluations and cost-effectiveness analyses of healthcare interventions and policies to assess their impact on public health outcomes.
  • Assessing the efficiency and equity implications of healthcare financing policies in addressing disparities in healthcare access, utilisation, and affordability.
  • Developing models to simulate and analyse healthcare financing scenarios, optimal resource allocation, and financial protection mechanisms, and providing evidence-based policy recommendations to promote sustainable healthcare financing mechanisms and equitable access to healthcare services for all populations.
  • Conducting research on behavioural and communication theories and models, social determinants of health, and evidence-based strategies to understand their impact on socio-behavioural, environmental and health outcomes across diverse populations.
  • Assessing environmental and behavioural change interventions to identify effective strategies for improved public health outcomes.
  • Analysing population health needs and disparities using mixed methods and statistical approaches and evaluating healthcare systems and policies to inform the design of health promotion interventions for public and at-risk populations.
  • Planning, implementation, and evaluation of sustainable and effective health promotion and disease prevention programmes and development of interventions that address health disparities and promote health equity.
  • Contributing to the development, advocacy, and implementation of practice and policies that create supportive and enabling environments for public health improvement and disease prevention.
  • Leveraging on organisational, governmental and community resources to create health-promoting environments and building partnerships and mobilising resources to support community-based health promotion initiatives.
  • Investigating implementation bottlenecks and roadblocks that hinder the effective adoption of evidence-based interventions in real-world settings.
  • Developing, optimising, and evaluating implementation strategies and methods to generate sustainable improvements in healthcare delivery and public health outcomes.
  • Promoting the systemic uptake and integration of research findings into clinical, organisational, and policy contexts, and ensuring that evidence-based interventions are effectively implemented to advance positive outcomes in the health and well-being of populations.
  • Designing and conducting evaluations of public health programmes and interventions using mixed-methods approaches to assess programme outcomes, implementation processes, and contextual factors influencing programme effectiveness.
  • Generating evidence on the effectiveness, efficiency, and scalability of public health interventions to inform decision making and policy development, leading to optimal programme design, implementation, and outcomes that promote public health.
  • Building evaluation capacity by leveraging on organisational, governmental and community resources to enhance the sustainability and impact of public health programmes and interventions.
  • Conducting research on occupational health issues, workplace hazards, and injury prevention measures to understand factors affecting worker health.
  • Evaluating the effectiveness and impact of workplace health promotion and corporate health management programmes, including economic analyses, on the improvement of worker health and reduction of occupational illnesses and injuries.
  • Teaching students and professionals on topics including workplace risk control strategies, health programmes, and best practices in occupational health and safety.
  • Designing innovative national or corporate strategies and interventions to mitigate occupational risks and improve workplace safety and health, and developing evidence-based approaches to enhance worker well-being and productivity.
  • Contributing to the development and advocacy of practices and policies to enhance occupational health standards and regulations, as well as providing advice and recommendations to industries, governmental bodies, and organisations to reduce occupational illnesses and injuries and promote a healthy and safe work environment.
  • Candidates with experience in research on the prevention and control of exposures of working populations or surrounding communities, as well as health promotion programmes, are preferred.
  • Conducting research on ageing-related diseases, disability prevention, and health promotion for older adults.
  • Investigating the biological, social, and environmental determinants of healthy ageing and their impact on public health systems and policies.
  • Developing and evaluating interventions aimed at improving health outcomes and quality of life in ageing populations.
  • Engaging with public health agencies, healthcare providers and community organisations to implement and evaluate programmes targeting ageing populations.
  • Advocating for evidence-based policies and practices that promote healthy ageing, mitigate age-related health issues, and address the unique health needs and challenges of ageing populations.


  • A recognised Doctoral degree in a relevant discipline with a strong post-doctoral professional and/or academic record; OR a qualified medical professional with postgraduate specialisation in occupational health, occupational medicine, or preventive medicine.
  • Proven track record of publishing in high-impact international peer-reviewed journals.
  • Experience in leading independent research studies or components within larger research programmes, and/or developing, leading, implementing and evaluating projects and programmes.
  • Ability to generate and sustain an independent stream of research funding.
  • Ability to teach public health courses at various levels (undergraduate, graduate and lifelong learners).
  • Ability to work within multidisciplinary teams.
  • Ability to work with and teach culturally diverse audiences.

Application procedure

Interested applicants should submit the following documents via email to the Academic Affairs Office, Saw Swee Hock School of Public Health, National University of Singapore:

  1. Cover letter specifying your research and/or teaching interests and experience
  2. Full curriculum vitae
  3. Contact information of at least three references

Please indicate your area of focus (based on the above categories) in the email subject line and send your application documents to the following contacts:

Miss Charmaine Tang Pei Si

Miss Chew Hui Ling, Laura

Miss Chua Wen Xi, Sophie

Academic Affairs Office
Saw Swee Hock School of Public Health
National University of Singapore
MD1, 12 Science Drive 2
#10-01, Singapore 117549

For more information on NUS, please visit: For more information about the Saw Swee Hock School of Public Health, please visit Please note that only shortlisted candidates will be contacted.


Executive & Administrative Positions

Currently no opening.

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