COVID-19: Act accordingly and responsibly

The total number of COVID-19 cases in Singapore has crossed 1,000 recently. Members of the public are urged to observe the increasingly stringent measures implemented to contain the outbreak.

In his interviews with The Straits Times and Channel 8, Dean, Professor Teo Yik Ying emphasised the importance of each individual following these measures:

  1. Wash your hands regularly with soap
  2. Take your temperature twice daily
  3. Refrain from going out unless necessary (for example, to exercise as part of keeping fit, or to purchase groceries)
  4. Observe safe distancing in public areas
  5. Cover your mouth and nose when you sneeze or cough
  6. If you are feeling unwell, wear a mask, minimise interactions and seek medical attention as soon as possible

On the rising number of cases in foreign workers’ dormitories, Prof Teo commented that it is more challenging to observe social distancing given the density of people within a confined space. He urged workers to adopt good hygiene practices and for employers to create an environment that encourages workers to report when they are ill.

“I have to emphasise this is not a normal situation we have in Singapore now with the coronavirus, we need everyone — and this includes employers of the migrant workers — to accept that there may be the inevitable loss in productivity, but we must be especially vigilant and careful,” said Prof Teo.

Responding to the possibility of a lockdown, Prof Teo said that while it is not off the table, “there’s often the mistaken belief that a lockdown will be the magic bullet to solve everything…but how we implement a lockdown is just as important”.

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