Teaching for NUS Medicine

The School continues to support the NUS Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine in training medical undergraduates. The curriculum offered by the School aims to equip medical undergraduates with public health skills that are important in clinical practice, including critical appraisal of medical research, as well as prevention and control of diseases with national public health significance.
The training culminates in the Community Health Project, where, guided by the School’s faculty, medical students participate in research that facilitates their achievement of key public health competencies. Students gain first-hand experience in applying principles of scientific integrity, research ethics, effective teamwork and project management. In AY2014/2015, the School incorporated global health topics under the Medicine and Society track and co-taught economics with the Centre of Biomedical Ethics.
In addition, several workshops have been conducted for medical students to further their knowledge about design, monitoring and evaluation of community health programmes.