Associate Professors Mikael Hartman (left) and Philip Iau (right) will ride their motorcycles from Singapore to Sweden for breast cancer awareness and research funding.

From Singapore to Sweden for Breast Cancer Awareness

Two professors from the National University of Singapore will ride their motorcycles 23,000km from Singapore to Sweden, to raise awareness for breast cancer research and education.

Associate Professors Mikael Hartman from the Saw Swee Hock School of Public Health and Philip Iau from the Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine will embark on The Long Ride 2014 – Singapore to Swden For Breast Cancer Research to raise awareness and research funds for the disease, the most common cancer among females in Singapore.

The expedition, which will begin in March 2014, will last four months and take the breast cancer surgeons and bike enthusiasts through 17 countries across Asia and Europe. They will stop at cancer treatment centres enroute to meet with cancer doctors and patients, participate in teaching and conducting health education sessions.

“There are now more cancers in Asia than in Western countries, and we want to tell their story – what is it like to be an Asian woman with breast cancer – the access to care, the cultural and religious views on treatment, the effect of treatment,” says Assoc Prof Philip Iau.

“We feel compelled to spotlight the barriers and help bring about policy changes, establish awareness programmes and improve access to care through our efforts,” Assoc Prof Hartman says.

The riders will be accompanied by a support vehicle for their journey, which will end at the Karolinska Institute in Sweden.

Media Coverage:

  • Making a Difference Radio Interview by 938 Live, 31 December 2013, Tuesday
  • Lianhe Zaobao, 20 October 2013, Sunday
  • The Straits Times, 18 October 2013, Friday
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