Overcoming Ageing

Ageing is an inevitable process, but by adopting various lifestyle habits, we can ensure we age gracefully and healthily, said Professor Chia Kee Seng, Dean, Saw Swee Hock School of Public Health, speaking to Nee Soon South residents at a talk on ‘Overcoming Ageing’.

Prof Chia highlighted that to manage the ageing process, we should accept the process of ageing as an inevitable one. With 60% of Singaporeans consuming more than their daily required intake, he also cautioned that we should ensure that we eat less, but eat right – reducing intake of sweet drinks, including fruit juices and consuming more brown rice.

With a current 350,000 diabetics in Singapore, he also advised those above the age of 40 to get screened for diabetes, and for diabetics to seek early treatment to control the condition.

Media Coverage:

  • ‘年长者应积极面对衰老’, Shin Min Daily News, 3 November 2015