Advanced Quantitative Methods I & II

Course Information

In this module, the principles of statistical modelling will be introduced, and statistical models such as multiple linear regression, logistic regression and Cox proportional hazards model will be applied to a variety of practical medical problems. Methods for analysing repeated measures data, assessment of model fit, statistical handling of confounding and statistical evaluation of effect modification will also be discussed.

Dates: 24 January – 21 February 2024, every Wednesday

Time: 9.00am – 5.30pm

Venue: MD1 Tahir Foundation Building, National University of Singapore

SSG Course Code: TGS-2020507472

In this module, the principles of advanced statistical modelling will be introduced, and statistical models such as multiple linear regression, logistic regression and Cox proportional hazards model will be applied to a variety of practical medical or public health problems. For time-to-event data analysis involving the Cox proportional hazards model, the proportional hazards assumption will be discussed, and strategies for handling non-proportional hazards, such as via stratification or modelling using time-dependent covariates will be introduced. We also consider the situation where several competing event types define the event of interest in a time-to-event study. Methods for analysing repeated measures data, assessment of model fit, statistical handling of confounding and statistical evaluation of effect modification will also be discussed. The statistical models introduced will be applied to real life clinical or public health data.

Dates: 24 January – 13 March 2024, every Wednesday

Time: 9.00am – 5.30pm

Venue: MD1 Tahir Foundation Building, National University of Singapore

SSG Course Code: TGS-2020507473

Note: Classes for Advanced Quantitative Methods I and Advanced Quantitative Methods II are conducted together but some sessions are applicable only to participants reading Advanced Quantitative Methods II. Courses preclude each other i.e. participants are not allowed to enrol in both courses concurrently.

Who Should Attend?

Applied statisticians, clinicians, public and environmental health professionals, para-medical research professionals, scientists as well as laboratory-based researchers who would like to equip themselves with the skills to critically read, interpret and analyse research data using regression methods.

Participants should have knowledge of elementary statistics, and experience with statistical software, particularly STATA.

Assessment & Certification

This is a SkillsFuture Singapore (SSG) approved course. As part of SSG funding requirements, participants have to achieve at least 75% attendance and pass all assessment(s)/examination(s).

An electronic certificate will be issued to all participants who complete the course:

  • Certificate of Competence – Attain a ‘C’ grade or above and meet a minimum of 75% attendance
  • Certificate of Participation – Attain a grade lower than ‘C’ and meet a minimum of 75% attendance

Course Instructor

Tai Bee Choo
Associate Professor Tai Bee Choo

Assoc Prof Tai has extensive research and teaching experience in the discipline of biostatistics and clinical trials. In AY2015/2016, she was awarded the Saw Swee Hock School of Public Health Teaching Excellence Award.

She has published more than 200 articles, chapter in two books and the book Regression Methods for Medical Research, a recommended text for this short course. She has also been invited to be a co-author of the 2nd edition of Randomized Clinical Trials: Design, Practice and Reporting, now in press.

In addition to being an Associate Editor of Pharmaceutical Statistics since 2017, she has also served as a peer reviewer for several international journals. Her contribution to the profession and industry include being a consultant to the Research and Development Office, Agency for Integrated Care Pte. Ltd. since March 2019, and the Health Sciences Authority, Vigilance and Compliance Branch, Singapore, from 2015 to 2018. She has also conducted educational workshops for Boehringer Ingelheim Malaysia Pte. Ltd on behalf of the National Pharmaceutical Regulatory Agency, Ministry of Health, Malaysia in 2018 and 2019, and Boehringer Ingelheim Singapore Pte. Ltd in 2016 and 2019.

View her full profile here.

Course Fee

Subsidy available Fee payable after subsidy*
International Participant S$8257.68
Singapore Citizen aged 39 years & below / Permanent Resident SSG Funding S$2477.30
Singapore Citizen aged 40 years & above SSG Funding & Mid-Career Enhanced Subsidy S$948.10
Singapore Citizen / Permanent Resident Sponsored by SMEs SSG Funding & Enhanced Training Support for SMEs S$948.10


  • All enrolled candidates will also be required to pay a Student Services Fee of S$25.46*.
  • Self-Sponsored participants can use their SkillsFuture Credits to pay for or offset course fees. SkillsFuture Credit claim has to be submitted to SkillsFuture Singapore (SSG) within 60 days before course commencement. SSG will not allow claims to be made after the first day of the course.
  • The University reserves the right to review and adjust the course fees and make changes to the programme structure and requirements as necessary and accordingly without prior notice.

*Prices stated above are inclusive of 8% GST. 


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