SSHSPH Faculty and Researcher Elected to ISPOR Singapore Leadership

Saw Swee Hock School of Public Health (SSHSPH) faculty and researchers have once again placed the School as the regional leader in public health education, training and research. The International Society for Pharmacoeconomics and Outcomes Research (ISPOR) Singapore Chapter announced the result of the Society’s 2017-2018 elections with two staff from SSHSPH taking on leadership roles. The recent election marks a historic time with representation from SSHSPH faculty in the past, current and future presidential leadership role for ISPOR Singapore, and showcases our preeminent faculty members.

The School congratulates Dr John Tayu Lee, Assistant Professor and Research Associate Melisa Tan who were voted President-elect and Secretary respectively. They will both assume their roles for a one-year term from 2017 to 2018.

Dr John Tayu Lee joined SSHSPH as an Assistant Professor in 2015. In 2016, he was awarded Alan Williams Fellowship from Centre for Health Economics, University of York. Dr Lee’s research interests include Global Health, Health System and Policy Research as well as Economics of Prevention. He said, “I am honored and privileged to have the opportunity to serve as President of ISPOR Singapore this coming year. My priorities will be: supporting our global and regional network and expand capacity in outcomes research, continuing to improve the science of outcomes research through the dissemination of academic findings and translational research, and collaborating with allied organizations such as HTAi, HTAsiaLink etc.”

Ms Melisa Tan has an MSc in International Political Economy and will play a key role as a Secretary in supporting the team to enhance the outreach efforts of ISPOR Singapore such as engaging institutions from public and private sectors to forge a platform to discuss topics relevant to Pharmacoeconomics and outcomes research such as HTA, and contributing towards the smooth running of ISPOR Singapore meetings and events.

ISPOR is an organisation with tremendous influence in global health economics that has over 20,000 members in some 120 countries.