Implementation Science Executive Workshop

Implementation Science

Implementation Science: Old Wine in New Wine Skin?

The emergence of the field of Implementation Science is in response to a general acknowledgment that effective practices, programmes and policies resulting from research conducted by academicians had little impact on services provided in the real world. As the field began to evolve, researchers from diverse academic disciplines (including health services, population health, forestry, education, social work and education) proposed varying definitions of the field and methodologic approaches for analysing the implementation of practices, programmes and policies. This has led to some confusion over the use of terminology, its purpose and applications of Implementation Science.

  • What is Implementation Science?
  • How has it evolved over the years?
  • How is it different from policy analysis and from programme planning, implementation and evaluation?
  • What are the foundational principles of Implementation Science? How can these principles be applied to health research in healthcare and community settings?
  • How can Implementation Science be integrated into public health training and research?

NUS Saw Swee Hock School of Public Health is leading an effort to advance the application of Implementation Science for public health training and research purposes. Health professionals and leaders of health agencies are invited to participate in a workshop designed to bring together various stakeholders – researchers, educators, practitioners and decision makers – to collaboratively engage in this exciting and ambitious effort.

Workshop Details

Date: 14 & 15 August 2019 (Wednesday & Thursday)

Time: Day 1 (2.00pm – 5.00pm), Day 2 (9.00am – 5.00pm)

Venue: Multi-Purpose Hall 2 (Level 3), Tahir Foundation Building (MD1), National University of Singapore

Address: 12 Science Drive 2, #03-01C, Singapore 117549


  • Overview of the historical roots of Implementation Science
  • Various definitions of Implementation Science, its lexicon and methodological approaches
  • Concepts and ideas of Implementation Science
  • Strategies for advancing training in Implementation Science including the identification of stakeholder roles
  • Frameworks, tools, strategies, study designs and methods, as well as operational considerations for maximising implementation effectiveness
  • Identification of barriers and opportunities for effective implementation of programmes and policies


Day 1

2.00pm — Welcome remarks, introductions and workshop objectives

2.15pm — What and Why of Implementation Science

3.30pm — Tea break

4.00pm — Case study

5.00pm — End of Day 1 workshop

Day 2

9.00am — Recap of previous day and objectives for Day 2

9.15am — Maximising implementation (I)

10.00am — Tea break

10.30am — Case study 2

11.30am — Group work: What is your Boeing 737 Max?

12.30pm — Lunch

2.00pm — Group presentation

3.00pm — Tea break

3.30pm — Maximising Implementation (II)

4.30pm — Wrap up and next steps

5.00pm — End of workshop


*Please note that the programme is subject to change


Jeffrey Wasserman

Prof Jeffrey Wasserman

Pardee RAND Graduate Shcool, The RAND Corporation

May C Wang

Prof May C. Wang

Fielding School of Public Health, University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA)


  • Registration is free
  • Limited slots for 30 pax available
  • Registration based on first-come, first-served basis. Please register your participation early

Contact Us

For enquiry, please contact Mr William Leong at (65) 6516 1427 or